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Kerner Collection, 2018


-News Publications-Documents Free of Charge April 2018 Issue-1.pdf
-News Publications-Documents Free of Charge April 2018 Issue.pdf
European Data Protection Declaration Kerner-E 1 08-2018.pdf
- CCJ-News Free of Charge Publications May 2018.pdf
 CCJ-News CfP to Jourrnals or Book Chapters May 2018 Issue.pdf
 Law Commission UK Youth Sentencing Reform Consultation and Docs 03-2018-1.pdf
 Law Commission UK Youth Sentencing Reform Consultation and Docs 03-2018.pdf
Criminal History and Employment CfP Special Journal Issue.pdf
 Centre for Social Justice’s ‘A Women-Centred Approach’ England 03-2018.pdf
-News Free of Charge Documents May 2018 Issue-1.pdf
-News Free of Charge Documents May 2018 Issue.pdf
 2 Probation Case Management Systems in Europe CEP Documentation 2018.pdf
CGOPC Countering Violent Extremism Published 2018.pdf
COE European Compendium on PRISONS AND COMMUNITY instruments 05-2018.pdf
Coroners Statistics 2017 England and Wales 05-2018.pdf
Criminología y Sociología de la Violencia en América Latina  CfP 05-2018-1.pdf
Criminología y Sociología de la Violencia en América Latina  CfP 05-2018.pdf
Police Crime Statistics Year 2018 Germany BKA 04-2019.pdf
Dunn Canadian Criminal Trial Juror Suits Can. Gvt for Emotional Trauma CBC 2018.pdf
 Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration OrgCrim Members and Terrorists UNAFEI Materials 2018.pdf
 Rehabilitation-Social Reintegration-Radicalised Offenders UNAFEI-RMS 2018.pdf
International J Restorative Justice Editorial Message 2018.pdf
IPD Global Security and Peace Education Summer Academy Switzerland  2018.pdf
Advances in Place-Based Methods CfP Special Issue Quantitative Criminology.pdf
Current Issues in Criminal Justice Special Issue CfP.pdf
Journal Advancing Corrections Journal CfP Issue 6, 2018-1.pdf
Journal Advancing Corrections Journal CfP Issue 6, 2018.pdf
Ministry of Justice Japan White Paper on Crime 2017 Tokyo 2018.pdf
Participatory Action Research in Corrections Special Journal Issue CfP 06-2018.pdf
Shankman Nature-Nurture-Controversy Mead-Freeman 2018-1.pdf
Shankman Nature-Nurture-Controversy Mead-Freeman 2018.pdf
Urban Institute Database on Mapping Police Violence USA.pdf


-News Free of Charge Publications September 2018 Issue.pdf
 BJS Report on Prisoners in 2016 (1978 et seq)-USA RevEd 08-2018.pdf
 Criminological Encounters New Open Access Journal 09-2018.pdf
 Oñati Socio-Legal Series Special Issue Offer 2018 Articles in French.pdf
-News Free of Charge Publications December 2018 Issue.pdf
J-News Free of Charge Documents July 2018 Issue-1.pdf
J-News Free of Charge Documents July 2018 Issue.pdf
European Data Protection Declaration Kerner-E 1 08-2018-1.pdf
News Special Collection of free Publications in English from A-CH-D 05-2018.pdf
 Farrington et al Free of Charge Monographs-Gvt. Publ 2018-1998-1.pdf
 Farrington et al Free of Charge Monographs-Gvt. Publ 2018-1998.pdf
Free of Charge Documents August 2018 Issue.pdf
 News from the Journal of Gender Based Violence 2018-1.pdf
 News from the Journal of Gender Based Violence 2018.pdf
 Moffitt Male antisocial behaviour in adolescence updatereview NatureHumanBehaviour2018.pdf
Advancing Corrections No. 6-2018 CfP Journal Special Issue.pdf
Ancient Constitution and Languages of Political Thought CUP 2018.pdf
 BRA Crime in Sweden Difficulties in Making International Comparisons 07-2018-1.pdf
 BRA Crime in Sweden Difficulties in Making International Comparisons 07-2018.pdf
 Gauke MoJ Blitz on Drugs in UK-Prisons Underway 07-2018-1.pdf
 Gauke MoJ Blitz on Drugs in UK-Prisons Underway 07-2018.pdf
-Loh-Toh Motivations of Elderly Offenders in Singapore Prison Service 2018-1.pdf
-Loh-Toh Motivations of Elderly Offenders in Singapore Prison Service 2018.pdf
-Shelley What is Good Prison Research Impressions at ICPA 2018-1.pdf
-Shelley What is Good Prison Research Impressions at ICPA 2018.pdf
-Vera-Gray Misogyny as a Hate Crime UK 2018-1.pdf
-Vera-Gray Misogyny as a Hate Crime UK 2018.pdf
Cambridge UP Free Access Special Article Collection 11-2018.pdf
CCJ-News Free of Charge Documents August 2018 Issue.pdf
CEP 1 Bunch Human Rights Agenda of European Arrest Warrant CEP 2018.pdf
Free Article Access Re = International Day Elimination Violence Against Women 11-2018.pdf
Free Doc 2 Bristol University Press Free Access to Articles on Poverty etc until October 31, 2018.pdf
Gallup Polls on Crime, Terrorism and Related Issues in 2018 Ke 11-2018.pdf
International Academy of Law and Mental Health 2019.pdf