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The watcher and the watched


Bruno M. Cormier

FROM THE COVER: The therapeutic community at the Dannemora State Hospital "Little Siberia" in Clinton, N.Y. lasted from October 1966 to June 1972 - ironically spanning the very years of the Attica tragedy and sponsored by the same New York State Department of Corrections in association with the Clinic of Forensic Psychiatry of Montreal's McGill University. This book was written by the psychiatrist in charge, using records of the participants: articles, minutes, tapes of discussions (one fascinating chapter was written by three women therapists who describe working with men imprisoned for murder and rape). The first 50 prisoners - in all 400 would participate - were all persistent offenders ranging in age from 25 to 35. All had a history of violent crime outside and inside prison…”

Tundra Books. 1975. 329p.