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Regional Research On Violence Against Children in Schools in South East Europe

By Kathleen Manion, et al.

  It is no longer possible to ignore the significant and widespread impact violence has on children. It influences children and young people in the short and long term, but also sometimes across generations. Violence against children and young people happens in schools, in homes, in their communities, and across various systems that touch the lives of children. In South East Europe, violence against children and young people is pervasive. This research project investigates the experiences of violence that children experience at school and enroute to and from school. This study particularly focuses on understanding the social and gender norms impacting school-related, gender based violence (SRGBV), and the role of children and young people in challenging these social norms. With Child Protection Hub South East Europe, Terre des hommes, and the Institute for International Child Rights and Development (IICRD), this study was conducted in eight countries in South East Europe, specifically in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, and Serbia. The purpose of the research was: to explore the social and gender norms impacting school related gender-based violence (SRGBV), and the potential role of children and young people in challenging these social norms. This qualitative research project collected data through participatory research activities and focus groups with young people and key supportive adults across two sites within each country.   

Child Protection Hub for SouthEast Europe, 2021. 145p.