Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.

Community Organization for Neighborhood Development- Past and Present

By Sidney Dillick

From the introduction: “VARIOUS cLaIMS have been made for the neighborhood approach to some of the problems of living in large cities. Some persons have said that strong local neighborhood associations

or councils will help to decentralize authority and bring it closer to the people. Specialists in adult education see merit in neighborhood organization for citizenship education. Settlement leaders feel it will help develop the friendliness and neighborliness that is lacking in urban communities. City planners see in neighborhood organization an effective means by which local community consciousness can be aroused to put life into plans for clusters of neighborhoods in large cities. Social workers think of it as enabling a community to tackle some of its own problems directly.

Woman's Press. Whiteside, Inc. And William Morrow & Company. New York • 1953. 191p. CONTAINS MARK-UP.