TOCH LIBRARY — Read-Me.Org -Open Access to All
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Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.

Coping with Non-Coping Convicts.

By Hans Toch

“I recently left my family to spend a week at a neighboring motel. The adventure was heavily subsidized by state and federal funds…” Paper presented at the Forensic Psychiatry Conference on Psychiatric and Psychological Services in Jails and Prisons, Bellevue Medical Center, November (1983) 18 pages,

The Violent Individual

By Hans Toch

“If we grant that a man’s best friend is his dog, a person’s next best friend is his or her dictionary.” An unpublished paper send to Calvin S. Hall. (1979) 8 pages.

Psychological Consequences of the Police Role

By Hans Toch

“Gilbert and Sullivan were probably joking when they proclaimed that ‘a policeman’s lot is not a happy one,’ but law enforcement officers tend to view this hypothesis as an established fact.”Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, September 1 (1963) 11 pages.

A Note on Prison Stress

By Hans Toch

Prepared for the 1978 Colloquium on Stress and Crime (Mitre Corporation). This working paper rejects…the ‘structuralist’ approach to prison stress, which places emphasis on ‘built-in’ stressors affecting inmates and some prison staff…” (1978) 14 pages.

Liberating Prison Guards

By Hans Toch

Part if what I mean by ‘liberating the guard’ is releasing him from the pressures that relegate him to custodial work…” Proceedings of the 15th Interagency Workshop Sam Houston State University Criminal Justice Center. May 18024. (1980) 6 pages.

Classifying Violent People.

By Hans Toch

Panel Presentation American Psychological Association, 77th Annual Meeting, September 1969. “Classifying people in life is a grim business, which channelizes destinies and determines fate…” (1969) 7 pages.

Policing in Hong Kong

By Hans Toch

Draft Foreword for the book Police in Hong Kong by former student K.C. Wong. “Several decades ago I became convinced that in a clearly foreseeable future I would find myself studying erudite books written by Sam C. Wong, who at that time was an impressive, though superannuated gradate student…”(ca. 2005) 3 pages.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

By Hans Toch

A Diagnostic Classification designed specifically for prison clinical staff. “A little learning may be a dangerous thing, but too much learning is wasteful… [The] three core categories of classification are (1) nut, (2) the schnook, and (3) the crumb.” (ca. 1997) 3 pages.
