Open Access Publisher and Free Library

Kerner Collection

A collection of all justice and equity related documents , issued by Hans J. Kerner via his monthly and special emails.

Kerner Collection December 2024

   Experiences of Online Sexual Violence: Interviews With Swedish Teenage Girls in Psychiatric Care

Frida Carlberg Rindestig, Katja Gillander Gådin,and Inga Dennhag all authors and affiliations

Volume 31, Issue 1


Changes in Psychiatric Symptoms in Swedish Mothers Who Took Part in Project Support: An Intervention forMothers Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence With Children Who Have Developed Conduct Problems

Helena Draxler, Fredrik Hjärthag, […], and Kjerstin Almqvist+1View all authors and affiliations Volume 31, Issue 1


Objectification and Violence Against Women: The Spanish Validation of the Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale-Perpetration Version

María del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes, Nieves Moyano,[…], and Reina Granados de Haro 3248+1View all authors and affiliationsVolume 31, Issue 1


The Undercommons of Childbirth and Their Abolitionist Ethic of Care. A Study into Obstetric Violence Among Mothers, Midwives (in Training), and Doulas

Rodante van der Waal, Inge van Nistelrooij,and Carlo Leget


Factors Related to Police Reporting in Sexual Assault Care Centers: Are We Underestimating the Role of Support Persons? Saar Baert 0002-9822-148X, Stefanie De Buyser, […], and Ines Keygnaert+4View all authors and affiliations Volume 30, Issue 15-16


Open Access

The effects of a defendant's childhood physical abuse on lay support for sentencing: The moderating role of essentialism

Sandy S. Xie, Colleen M. Berryessa


Democracy, Egalitarianism and the Homicide Rate: An Empirical

Test of a Variety of Democracies, 1990–2019           

Indra de Soysa



Gender Stereotypes and Perceptions of Stranger Violence: Attributions of Blame and Motivation Amber Phillips andMelissa S. de Roos



Direct supervision and the epistemic culture of prisons

Marcus A Sibley, Rosemary Ricciardelli, Matthew S Johnston, Brittany Mario


“It’s not because they’re Gypsy”: Practitioners perspectives of Gypsies, Travellers and Crime and Justice

Raegan Booth, Kirsty Koral, Kitty Lymperopoulou


Enduring flows: The transit of drugs in contemporary Honduras

Emilia Ziosi


Preventable Emergency Department Utilization Among Patients With Foster Care History Compared to PatientsWithout Foster Care History

Lauren Q. Malthaner, Jill D. McLeigh, Gregory Knell, Katelyn K. Jetelina, Folefac Atem, Sarah E. Messiah


Police Recruits’ Perceptions of the Utility of Body-Worn Cameras as a Training Tool

Sarah L. Deck, Louise E. Porter, Martine Powell, Geoffrey Alpert



Insanity, Disability and Responsibility: Rethinking Autonomy to Challenge Structural Inequality

Jane Richards

CapacitytoConsent toSex: AHistoricalPerspectiv

Laura Lammasniemi


Two Million Over 65 Are Addicted, Showing Drugs' Lingering Damage


Jerry Schlesinger, 72, of Los Angeles tried heroin at 15. Today, he has been sober for two years. In between, decades of illicit drug use wrecked his lungs and teeth and compromised his liver. The nation spent millions of dollars imprisoning, housing and treating him before he stopped using.


Gambling outlets as agents of local area disorganization: Crime and local institutions, the case of the UK

Neli Demireva, Sergio Lo Iacono


Online Violence in Adolescent and Young Adult Couples: The Role of Anxious Attachment and Hostile Sexism in a Dyadic Analysis

Antonia Lorente-Anguís, David Vilariño del Castillo, Esther Lopez-Zafra


Open Access

Theories of Arousal Predict a Link Between Heart Rate Variability

and Reactive Aggression: Meta‐Analytic Results Disagree

Annah G. McCurry, Robert C. May, David I. Donaldson



‘No TV programme is made about boring magistrates’ cases’: Revisiting the ‘ideology of triviality’ in magistrates’ justice

Amy Kirby



Power in the courtroom: Judicial perspectives on care‐experienced

girls and women in court  Claire Fitzpatrick, Katie Hunter, Jo Staines, Julie Shaw


Open Access

Green dreams are made of this: Futures consciousness and proenvironmental engagement

Fanny Lalot, Sanna Ahvenharju, Outi Uusitalo. e12799 | First Published: 10 September 2024


Open Access

Perceptions of the present shape imagined futures: Unravelling the interplay between perceived anomie,collective future thinking and collective action in the French context Octavia Ionescu, Julie Collange, Jean LouisTavani


From imagination to activism: Cognitive alternatives motivate commitment to activism through identification with social movements and collective efficacy Julian Bleh, Torsten Masson, Sabrina Köhler, Immo Fritsche


Open Access

The horror of today and the terror of tomorrow: The role of future

existential risks and present‐day political risks in climate activism

Mete Sefa Uysal, Nuria Martinez, Sara Vestergren



Trajectories of medication for opioid use disorder and their impact on HIV testing among people who inject drugs in India: A

longitudinal assessment of clinic‐based data  Allison M. McFall, Lakshmi Ganapathi, Mihili P. Gunaratne, Aylur K.Srikrishnan, Conjeevaram K. Vasudevan, Santhanam Anand, Sunil S. Solomon, Shruti H. Mehta, Gregory M. Luca


Examining Sex- and Sexuality-Based Bias in Punitive Attitudes Toward Offenders Convicted of Intimate PartnerCrimes: A Vignette Experiment Nathan E. Kruis, Kim S. Ménard, Nicholas J. Rowland, and Rae Griffith


Open Access

Inter‐parental conflict and empathy in early adolescence as predictors of dating violence perpetration inadolescence and adulthood Carlos N. Espinoza, Marlon Goering, Sylvie Mrug


Open Access

Trajectories of offending over 9 years after youths' first arrest: What predicts who desists and who continues to offend?

Elizabeth Cauffman, Jordan Beardslee, Colleen Sbeglia, Paul J. Frick, Laurence Steinberg


Open Access

How do victims of bullying develop depression? Testing

interpersonal style to explain the victimization‐depression link

Minita Franzen, Marijtje A. J. van Duijn, Peter J. de Jong, René Veenstra, Marije aan het Rot


Open Access

Coping with ethnic‐racial discrimination: Protective‐reactive effects of shift‐and‐persist coping on internalizing symptoms among Black American adolescents Cassidy Dal Santo, Ariane Desmarais, N. Keita Christophe


Open Access

When ethnic minorities hit the headlines: The longitudinal associations between news features and adolescents'ethnic prejudice Beatrice Bobba, Adele Miniati, Elisabetta Crocetti


Open Access

Problematic internet use profiles and their associated factors among adolescents José A. Piqueras, Pilar Rico-Bordera, Manuel Galán, Carlos García- Oliva, Juan C. Marzo, David Pineda


Open Access

The association between experiences of unfair treatment in school and adolescent adjustment over 5 years Eva Grew, Gülseli Baysu, Rhiannon N. Turner


Open Access

Substance use among Latinx youth: The roles of sociocultural influences, family factors, and childhood adversityLucinda Okine, Jennifer B. Unger


Open Access

Discrimination, critical consciousness, and mental health in American youth of color Ariane Desmarais, N. Keita Christophe


Open Access

Like parents, like children… this is not always the case!

A longitudinal study on the family transmission of

intergroup contact Maria Pagano, Ioana Zagrean, Daniela Barni, Elisabetta Crocetti


Open Access

Influence of parental mediation and social skills on adolescents'

use of online video games for escapism: A cross‐sectional study Elena Commodari, Arianna Consiglio, Martina Cannata, Valentina Lucia La Rosa


Performing ignorance of state violence in Aotearoa New Zealand

Elizabeth Stanley, Zeni Gibson, and India Craddock


Approaches for supporting youth dually involved in child protection and youth justice systems: An international policy analysis Rubini Ball, Susan Baidawi, and Anthony FitzGerald


Kids, courts and canines: Evaluating the Justice Facility Dog Program through a therapeutic lens in the Perth Children'sCourt Suzanne Rock and Natalie Gately


Exploring the roles played by trust and technology in the online investment fraud victimisation process MatthewAnderson, Evita March, Lesley Land, and Christine Boshuijzen-van Burken


It takes a village: Guarding against sexual abuse in Australian educational settings Amanda Lee Robertson, SusanneKarstedt, and Danielle Arlanda Harris


Provocative spatial exclusion and missed opportunities: Complaints of discrimination filed against gender separatistspaces in Sweden Ida Linander and Linda Sandberg


“We were cast aside”: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of abortion journeys from Ireland Rebecca AHeslin, Siobhán O’Higgins, and Aisling T O’Donnell


Exploring possibilities for a feminist ethic of collective care in suicide research Hazel Marzetti


Migrant Deaths in California’s Borderlands, 2018–2023

Marni LaFleur, Kat On, Ligia Ceja, Daniel E. Martínez


Entering the mainstream economy? Workplace segregation and immigrant assimilation

Mats Lillehagen, Are Skeie Hermansen


Reassessing the Criminogenic Risk of the ‘Broken Home’: The Concept of ‘The Good Family’ From the Perspective ofYoung Offenders in Trinidad and Tobago

Melissa Mendez


Expanding the ICC’s Jurisdiction Over the Crime of Aggression

Carrie McDougall

‘We Fear For Our Lives’ : Understanding, Responding and Mitigating the Impact of Climate Change on the MalawianPrison System

Marie Claire Van Hout, Ruth Kaima, Apatsa Mangwana Mhango, Vivian Kasunda, Victor Mhango ...


Researching Young Masculinities During the Rise of ‘Misogyny

Influencers’: Exploring Affective and Embodied Discomfort and Dilemmas of Feminist and Queer Researchers

Betsy Milne, Idil Cambazoglu, Craig Haslop, Jessica Ringrose


Prefiguration, Resilience and Transitions to Adulthood: Russian Youth in Times of Uncertainty

Anastasiia S. Andreeva, Elena L. Omelchenko, Pavel S. Sorokin


The Incel Subculture: Drifting In and Out

Jan Christoffer Andersen


Incel Epistemology: On Marginality, Experience and Legitimization of Knowledge

Evelina Johansson Wilén


A Scoping Review of Global Literature on Alcohol and Other Drug- Facilitated Sexual Violence

Jessica Ison, Ingrid Wilson, Kirsty Forsdike, Jacqui Theobald, Elena Wilson, Anne-Marie Laslett, Leesa Hooker


Provocative spatial exclusion and missed opportunities: Complaints of discrimination filed against gender separatist spaces in Sweden

Ida Linander, Linda Sandberg


Reconfiguring life after a prison sentence. The lived experience of persons on parole in Switzerland

Julia Emprechtinger, Marina Richter, Lucile Franz, Daniel Lambelet


Network Dynamics of Risk and Protective Factors in Forensic Psychiatric Patients: Exploring Substance Use Disorder and Treatment Motivation

Lotte Bant, Stefan Bogaerts


The More You Know: Information About Juvenile Psychosocial Maturity Influences Mock Jurors’ Perceptions and Decision-making

Isabelle M. Clough, April Gile Thomas


Disrupting harmful gender norms: Youth at the centre

Dr Claudia Mitchell, Director of the Participatory Cultures Lab, Department of Integrated Studies in Education (DISE). McGill University, tells us about the TRANSFORM project aimed at disrupting harmful gender norms and mobilizing for social change.


Advancing knowledge about criminal justice and mental health

Researchers with expertise in criminal law, philosophy, psychiatry and psychology are combining their knowledge to explore how mental disorders are approached within criminal law and contribute to better legal and forensic practices.


Open Access


Visual hallucinations in psychosis: What do people actually see?

Charlotte Aynsworth, Felicity Waite, Samuel Sargeant, Clara Humpston, Robert Dudley



Does it matter how we measure conspiracy beliefs? A test of three measurement approaches Feodor Snagovsky, Daniel Stockemer



Risk of self‐harm and suicide on reaching the age at which a parent died by suicide or other causes: A Danish, population‐based self‐ controlled case series study Yanakan Logeswaran MSc, Keltie McDonald PhD, Julie Cerel PhD, Gemma Lewis PhD, Annette Erlangsen PhD, Alexandra Pitman MRCPsych, PhD


ARTICLE Full Access

An opportunity for abolition: McCleskey, innocence, and the modern death penalty decline

Clayton B. Drummond, Robert J. Norris



Measures of Subclinical Psychopathy and Everyday Sadism are Still Redundant: A Conceptual Replication andExtension of Blötner and Mokros (2023) Christian Blötner, Sandy S. Spormann, Miriam J. Hofmann, Andreas Mokros



The (Un)Attractiveness of Dark Triad Personalities: Assessing

Fictitious Characters for Short‐ and Long‐Term Relationships

Yavor Dragostinov, Tom Booth



On the collateral consequences of fine default: The Brazilian case study Gabriel Brollo Fortes, Patricia Faraldo Cabana


Open Access


Engaged Onlooking: How Organisational Identification Shapes Public Condoning of CorporateCorruptionFergus G. Neville, S. Alexander Haslam, Maaike Homan, Stephen D. Reicher, Niklas K. Steffens


Open Access

An analysis of child safeguarding cases managed by National Governing Bodies of sport across England andWales Daniel Rhind, Robert Booth, Rachel Ade, Nick Slinn, Jude Towesland, Olivia Garrod


Open Access

The intersection of child protection and healthcare: Paediatric social admissions     Leanne Stapleton



Examining the Likelihood of Being Referred to the Child Welfare Services in Sweden: Influences at the Individual,Peer and School‐ Area Levels Torbjörn Kalin



Responding to nonemergency calls for service via video: A randomized controlled trial Stewart Gates, Barak Ariel, Noy Assaraf



Breaking good? Young people's mechanisms of resilience, resistance and control       Claire Fox, Jo Deakin



Political legitimacy after the pits: Corruption narratives and labour power in a former coalmining town in England

Sacha Hilhorst


Chronic Cannabis Use in Everyday Life: Emotional, Motivational, and Self-Regulatory Effects of Frequently Getting High Michael Inzlicht, Taylor Bridget Sparrow-Mungal, and Gregory John Depow


Blurring the Lines Between Victimhood and Responsibilization? Sex as Behavioral Problems in Court Decisions on Compulsory Care of Young People Maria A. Vogel and Tove Pettersson


‘A Safe Place to be Happy and Content’: Housing and ‘Home’ in Women’s Desistance Grace Low and Alice Mills


Open Access

Beyond attachment theory: Indigenous perspectives on the child– caregiver bond from a northwest tribal community

Sara F. Waters, Meenakshi Richardson, Sara R. Mills, Alvina Marris, Fawn Harris, Myra Parker


Open Access

Developing conceptions of forgiveness across the lifespan

Abby McLaughlin, Julia Marshall, Katherine McAuliffe


The first in a series of virtual issues from Oxford Journal of Legal Studies collects previous articles from the journal curated by Board members. Read the accompanying  introduction and browse the list of articles for a look back on women's history in OJLS.Read the issue now


Criminal Justice Dataset Releases

The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) archives and disseminates data on crime and justice for secondary analysis. Below is a list of the latest releases from October 2024.

Moving Closer to Home Before Release: Evaluating a Step-Down Strategy to Transfer Adults in State Prisons to Local Correctional Systems, Massachusetts, 2004-2017 (ICPSR 39193)

Firearm Purchase Behavior and Subsequent Adverse Events, United States, 1985- 2018 (ICPSR 39169)

Understanding Prosecutorial Discretion in Florida Felony Courts, 2017 (ICPSR 38607)

Reducing Violence in Communities: An In-Depth Study of Efforts in Durham, NC and Minneapolis, MN, 2010-2022(ICPSR 38691)

Investigating Root Causes of School Violence: A Case-Control Study of School Violence Offenders, Non-School YouthViolence Offenders, and Non-Offending Youths, United States, 1990-2020 (ICPSR 39020)




Who is the drug user activist?: recounting the conceptualisation of drug user activism in the United Kingdom.

Raymond John S. Naguit, Shayla S. Schlossenberg and Praveena K. Fernes

Harm Reduction Journal 2024, 21:212 | Published on: 29 November 2024

Full Text | PDF


Exploring and describing alcohol harm reduction interventions: a scoping review of literature from the past decade in the western world

Sarah Perrin, Amandine Fillol … Judith Martin-Fernandez

Harm Reduction Journal 2024, 21:207 | Published on: 23 November 2024

Full Text | PDF



Experiences of the changing illicit drug supply among racial and ethnic minoritized people in three US states: a qualitative study

Brendan Saloner, Olivia K. Sugarman … Sachini Bandara

Harm Reduction Journal 2024, 21:205 | Published on: 20 November 2024

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Harm reduction techniques among cisgender gay, bisexual, and queer men using anabolic androgenic steroids: a qualitative study

Eric Kutscher, Arslaan Arshed … Mat Kladney.

Harm Reduction Journal 2024, 21:196 | Published on: 11 November 2024

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The following new articles have just been published in Health & Justice



Some improvements but a long way to go: a national survey of local authorities on the provision of social care for people released from prison

Claire Hargreaves, Amy Roberts … Susan Tucker

Health & Justice 2024, 12:47 | Published on: 29 November 2024

Full Text | PDF


Treatment utilization among people with drug use disorders in prison: a national longitudinal cohort study

Nicoline Toresen Lokdam, Marianne Riksheim Stavseth … Anne Bukten

Health & Justice 2024, 12:46 | Published on: 26 November 2024

Full Text | PDF


The role of community health workers in re-entry of people with HIV and substance use disorder released from jail: a mixed methods evaluation of a pilot study

Afeefah Khazi-Syed, Emily Hoff … Ank E. Nijhawan

Health & Justice 2024, 12:45 | Published on: 25 November 2024

Full Text | PDF


“They are trying their best”: incarcerated individuals’ assessment of general healthcare services in selected Ghanaian prisons

Susanna Aba Abraham, Francis Annor … Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah

Health & Justice 2024, 12:44 | Published on: 18 November 2024

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Changes in legal referrals to specialty substance use disorder treatment from 2015–2019

Carrie E. Fry, Jacob Harris and Marguerite E. Burns

Health & Justice 2024, 12:42 | Published on: 6 November 2024

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Pre and post diagnostic dementia care in four Scottish prisons

Rhoda MacRae, Natalie Chalmers … Tom Russ

Health & Justice 2024, 12:43 | Published on: 6 November 2024

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Psychotropic drug-induced adverse drug reactions in 46 psychiatric inpatients in relation to age: results from a Gsurveillance program from 1993–2016

Johanna Seifert, Matthias A. Reinhard … Catherine Glocker

Annals of General Psychiatry 2024, 23:47 | Published on: 18 November 2024

Full Text | PDF



Violence against women is a worldwide scourge that sadly doesn't abate with the years. As the world marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we look at what local authorities can do and are doing to prevent and fight against such violence. In our Security, Democracy and Cities manifesto, our members commit to "intensifying their efforts as coordinators and facilitators of prevention networks that include a multiplicity of stakeholders and increasing the diversity of profiles – particularly gender – in the teams involved in the prevention of violence against women."This is why we at Efus have adopted a feminist, gender-based perspective in all our activities responding, as ever, to the needs of cities in our network.
