The Time Game: Two Views Of A Prison
By Anthony J. Manocchio and Jimmy Dunn
From the Preface by Lamar Empey: T”he design and conduct of many, perhaps most, sociological studies depend upon some knowledge of the subjective views of the actors to be investigated. Without it, the investigation must proceed more by assumption than by evidence, more by conjecture than by an informed point of view. To be able to ask relevant questions and to explore key issues. the sociologist must have some prior grasp of the way those issues look to the persons who are to be studied, what they contend with, and why they believe as they do. There is nothing quite so difficult as attempting to gather data on the nature and subiective side of institu- tional patterns and processes without such information.”
Beverly Hills. Sage, 1970. 254p.
NOTE: This book is heavily marked up but quite legible