The Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library. Many are written by his former students.

Posts tagged Legal system


By Harry KALVEN, Jr. and Hans ZEISEL

"The American Jury" by Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel delves into the intricacies of the American legal system, specifically focusing on the role and dynamics of the jury. Through meticulous research and analysis, the authors provide insights into how juries reach decisions, the factors influencing their judgment, and the implications for justice. This seminal work sheds light on the complexities of jury behavior and its impact on the judicial process, making it a valuable resource for legal scholars and practitioners alike.

Little, Brown, 1966, 558 pages

A LIFE FOR A LIFE: Life Imprisonment: America's Other Death Penalty


James A. Paluch, Jr.. Edited by Thomas J. Bernard and Robert Johnson

"A LIFE FOR A LIFE: Life Imprisonment: America's Other Death Penalty" delves into the controversial topic of life imprisonment in the United States. Through meticulous research and compelling narratives, the author explores the harsh realities and ethical dilemmas of a justice system that condemns individuals to spend their lives behind bars. This thought-provoking book challenges readers to reconsider their perspectives on punishment, redemption, and the true meaning of justice in modern society.

Los Angeles, California. Roxbury Publishing Company. 2004. 231p.