“The unfortunate prisoners I once called DDIs or Disturbed Disruptive Inmates find themselves in a consistently delicate position. They are almost fated to be misunderstood and caricatured…” Correctional Mental Health Report. November/December (2014) 2 pages.
Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.
“In the development of any theoretic concept or group of related concepts, an occasional stocktaking is useful…” Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes. Volume 18, Number 1, February, (1955) 11 pages.
The earliest experiments in supermax confinement were conducted 200 years ago and abandoned in horrified disgust.” The Prison Journal. Vol. 81 No. 3, 376-388, September (2001) 15 pages.
“The fact that prison officers are called ‘officers’ and that they wear uniforms has helped to obfuscate the question of what they do and what they are…” European Journal of Criminology. 8 (6) 437-439. (2011) 4 pages.
“Why have most investigators found Jews to be unexpectedly incompetent in identifying [Jews in] photographs?” By Hans Toch, Albert Rabin and Donald Wilkins. Sociometry. Vol. 25, No. 3, September (1962) 16 pages.
“…antecedents of today’s control units, or supermax settings, were introduced in the early 1800s and they were abandoned because they significantly impaired the mental health of prisoners.” The Prison Journal. Vol. 83 No.2 June (2003) 8 pages.
“There is a great difference between adapting to imperfect realities and being coopted by one’s surroundings…” Hastings Center Report, October (1985) 2 pages.
“I am not and never have been a sociologist…” Society. July/August (1989) 1 page.
“If indeed a generalized attitude change can be said to take place with age, a corresponding modification could be expected in emotional make-up.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall (1953) 4 pages.
“In their modern form, anomie and alienation are positivist cousins…” Journal of Community Psychology, 7, 3-11 (1979) 9 pages.
. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. 46(2), 2002. 119-122. “Left to their own devices, offenders present decreasing risk of offending over time..” (2002) 4 pages.
Reprinted from Federal Probation Quarterly, March 1982. “It has been the misfortune of corrections officers that they fit neatly into all sorts of theoretical schemes…” (1982) 10 pages.
Amongst the least understood prison inmates are the “disturbed disruptive” inmates (DDIs) — those who simultaneously pose disciplinary and mental health problems….” (1982) 23 pages.
By Ben-Ami Lipetz and Hans H. Toch. Unpublished Preliminary Draft. No Date (ca. 1990) 91 pages.
By Hans Toch and David Lovell.
Draft paper. July 20. Unknown year.
By Hans Toch
“…I made the point of mentioning that he prisoner they were considering had written in an essay for publication that he would have denied his own parole at earlier stages of his sentence…” Presentation at the Annual meeting and Conference of Ingternayional Correctional Prisons Association, October 28 (2009) 10 pages.
By Hans Toch
“In an effort to be useful I have occasionally shared a few research findings with humane and thoughtful practitioners…” Report on a workshop for practitioner-participants. (1975) 12 pages.
By Hans Toch
“A s community policing and problem-oriented policing become more sophisticated, it becomes harder to see the two as completely separable.” Paper presented to the Community Policing Symposium, San Jose, California, March 30 (1993) 11 pages.
By Hans Toch
“…some types of organizational climates can help to promote violence…climate-wise, human service organizations may be changing for the worse, which raises ominous possibilities.” Paper presented at the conference on Managing Assault and Violence in the Workplace, East Lansing, Michigan, June 1 (1995) 9 pages.
By Hans Toch
“Most problems in prisons originate outside their walls.” Pre-published paper. Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice, Revised Edition. (1999 ) 28 pages.