TOCH LIBRARY — Read-Me.Org -Open Access to All
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Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.

Humpty Dumpty in the Prison

“The unfortunate prisoners I once called DDIs or Disturbed Disruptive Inmates find themselves in a consistently delicate position. They are almost fated to be misunderstood and caricatured…” Correctional Mental Health Report. November/December (2014) 2 pages.

Research and Reform in Community Policin

By Hans Toch

“A s community policing and problem-oriented policing become more sophisticated, it becomes harder to see the two as completely separable.” Paper presented to the Community Policing Symposium, San Jose, California, March 30 (1993) 11 pages.

Humanizing the Workplace

By Hans Toch

“…some types of organizational climates can help to promote violence…climate-wise, human service organizations may be changing for the worse, which raises ominous possibilities.” Paper presented at the conference on Managing Assault and Violence in the Workplace, East Lansing, Michigan, June 1 (1995) 9 pages.
