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Posts in Criminology
Falling in Love with a Book

“If you wanted students to ignore the work of major figures in criminal justice, how would you go about it? One thing you might do is to assign a textbook that contains dry summaries of "key ideas" drawn from their writings. You then could amplify these summaries in lecture, contrasting the major figures to each other, and emphasizing differences in their positions. This approach can wark wonders because students recognize caricatures of ideas and issues when they see them. In case they miss the point, however, you can clinch it with examination questions such as "Compare Hackfleisch's views about delinquency causation with those of Cumquat.

Journal Of Criminal Justice Education, Vol 1 No. 2, Fall 1990. 6p

Essay. Sequestering Gang Members, Burning Witches, and Subverting Due Process.

“There are striking parallels between the procedures relied on by medieval inquisitors in persecuting witches and those used by American prison administrators in “classification” proceedings through which gang members ae indefinitely sequestered based on evidence of gang affiliation…” Criminal Justied and Behavior. Vol. 12, No. 2, February (2007) 16 pages.

The Perception of Violence as an Indicator of Adjustment in Institutionalized Offenders

“Since differences in behavior sometimes reflect differences in perception, it is plausible to assume that persons who behave in an anti-social way might show a tendency to perceive the world in a characteristic fashion.” The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science. Vol. 53, No. 4 December (1962) 7 pages.