The Perceptual Elaboration Of Stroboscopic Presentations By Hans Toch.The American Journal Of Psychology September 1956, Vol. 69, No. ,3 pp. 345-358 download perception, communication, psychophysics, psychology, social psychology, Social Sciences, Toch CollectionRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023stroboscopic, psychophysics, social psychology
Interaction Of Determinants Of Perceived Movement Direction By Hans Toch. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 1963, 16, 621-628. download Toch Collection, Social Sciences, social psychology, psychophysics, psychology, perception, communicationRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023perception, communication, psychophysics, social psychology, psychology
Perception, Communication and Educational Research: A Transactional View By Hans Toch and Malcolm S. MacLean, Jr.. Audio-Visual Communication Review. September-October 1962 Vol. 10, No. 5. download psychophysics, psychology, Social Sciences, Toch Collection, perception, communicationRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023psychology, psychophysics, communication
Perceptual Correlates Of Prejudice: A Stereoscopic-Constancy Experiment By Donald Reynolds And Hans Toch. The Journal of Social Psychology, 1965, 66, 127-133. download psychophysics, psychology, Social Sciences, prejudiceRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023prejudice, perception, social psychology, psychology
How Are Data Interpreted? A Transactional View By Hans Roch. Etc.: A Review Of General Semantics Voi. XII, NO. 4. 6p. download psychology, psychophysics, Social Sciences, Toch CollectionRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023data, social psychology, psychology
The Effect Of 'Meaning' On The Autokinetic Illusion By Hans H. Toch Michigan State University. The American Journal Of Psychology. December, 1962, Vol. 75, No. 4 pp. 605-611. download Social Sciences, Toch Collection, psychophysics, psychologyRead-Me.OrgMay 7, 2023psychology, illusion