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An Autobiographical Study

By Sigmund Freud

Authorizad Translation by James Strachey. From the cover: Freud's autobiography was originally published in America in 1927, and was therefore known to v er y few English readers. He completely revised and elaborated it for the English edition. It is of the highest interest, not only as the record of the personal life of the founder of psycho-analysis, but also because of the light which it throws on the development of the psycho-analytic movement.

London The Hogarth Press, 42 William Iv St., Wc2 And The Institute Of Psycho-Analysis. 1950. 134p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Beyond The Pleasure Principle

By Sigmund Freud

Translated by James Strachey. From the cover: "The goal of alllife is death." In his study of human motivation, Freud observed that much behavior appears to exist independent of the pleasure principle. His search for this hidden principle led Freud to an examination of the organic instincts of animals, such as the migration of birds. He found that almost invariably these instincts were rooted in the compulsion to return to a previous state, to the womb. Freud's formulation of this principle of the death urge, set forth in BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE, was bitterly attacked at first, and it was not until comparatively recent years that science has accepted it as a part of human psychology.

NY. Bantam. 1959. 129p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Ego and the Id

Translated by Joan Riviere. Revised and newly edited by James Strachey.

From the cover: The first edition of this book, which is an English translation of Das Ich und das Es (Vienna 1923), was published by the Hogarth Press in 1927. The last of Freud's major theoretical works, it is concerned with mental structure and functioning. Apart from presenting, with new terminology, a threefold division of the mind, it contains important discussions of the concept ‘unconscious' and the genesis of the super-ego. The dichotomy between Eros and the death instinct, introduced in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, is elaborated here; the relations between the two classes of instincts and the divisions of the mind are considered, as well as the interrelations between these divisions themselves with special reference to the sense of guilt. For thepresent edition the translation has been extensively revised and an editor's introduction, two appendices and many explanatory notes and references have been added as well as a full bibliography and index.

London. The Hogarth Press And The Institute Of Psycho-Analysis. 1962. 83p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Three Essays On The Theory Of Sexuality

By Sigmund Freud.

Authorized Translation by James Strachey. From the cover: This is the firs tEnglish edition of a classic. In the forty-five years since its original appearance it has completely revolutionized scientific views on sexuality. Freud's discoveries, derived from his penetrating study of his patients and concisely summarized in these Three Essays, are now accepted as the basis of all modern thought on the subject in psychology, psychiatry, education and criminal reform. "One of the pillars on which the edifice of psycho-analysis rests. . . indeed a classic." The Listener.

London. Imago Publishing Company, Limited. 1949. 130p. CONTAINS MARK-UP