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Posts tagged applied psychoanalysis
An Autobiographical Study

By Sigmund Freud

Authorizad Translation by James Strachey. From the cover: Freud's autobiography was originally published in America in 1927, and was therefore known to v er y few English readers. He completely revised and elaborated it for the English edition. It is of the highest interest, not only as the record of the personal life of the founder of psycho-analysis, but also because of the light which it throws on the development of the psycho-analytic movement.

London The Hogarth Press, 42 William Iv St., Wc2 And The Institute Of Psycho-Analysis. 1950. 134p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Beyond The Pleasure Principle

By Sigmund Freud

Translated by James Strachey. From the cover: "The goal of alllife is death." In his study of human motivation, Freud observed that much behavior appears to exist independent of the pleasure principle. His search for this hidden principle led Freud to an examination of the organic instincts of animals, such as the migration of birds. He found that almost invariably these instincts were rooted in the compulsion to return to a previous state, to the womb. Freud's formulation of this principle of the death urge, set forth in BEYOND THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE, was bitterly attacked at first, and it was not until comparatively recent years that science has accepted it as a part of human psychology.

NY. Bantam. 1959. 129p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

The Future of an Illusion

By Sigmund Freud

Translated by W. D. Robson-Scott. From the cover: Sigmund Freud wrote The Future of an Illusion late in his career, when his interest in psychoanalysis hadex- panded beyond his earlier clinical concerns, and when the problems of civilization itself occupied much of his attention. One of his most controversial and unsettling works, this book is as well one of his most striking con- tributions to the study of mankind. For Freud, religious ideas are born of the need ot make tolerable man's helplessness in his environment and are conceived ni man's memories of the helplessness of his own childhood and the childhood of the human race…

NY. Doubleday Anchor Books. 1953. 112p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Group Psychology And The Analysis Of The Ego

By Sigmund Freud. Translated By James Strachey

From the introduction: “The contrast between individual psychology and social or group psychology, which at a first glance may seem to be full of significance, loses a great deal of its sharp. ness when it is examined more closely. It is true that individual psychology is concerned with the individual man and explores the paths by which he seeks to find satisfaction for his instinctual impulses; but only rarely and under certain exceptional conditions is individual psychology in a position to disregard the relations of this individual to others. In the individ- ual's mental life someone else is invariably involved, as a model, as an object, as a helper, as an opponent; and so from the very first individual psychology, in this extended but entirely justifiable sense of the words, is at the same time social psychology as well.”

NY. Bantam. 1960. 126p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Inhibitions Symptoms and Anxiety

By Sigmund Freud.

Translated by Alix Strachey. Revised and newly edited by James Strachey. From the cover: This work si one of the most important contri- butions made by Freud to both the clinical and theoretical aspects of psycho-analysis. It covers awide range of topics, including discussions of the different classes of resistance, the distinction between repression and defence and the relations between anxiety, pain and mourning. Its main theme, however, si the problem of anxiety-its sources, mechanisms and functions -and the author's earlier views on the subject are critically examined and some of his opinions very consider- ably altered. For the present edition the text has been extensively revised, and editor's introduction, two appendices, and many explanatory notes and references have been added as well as a full bibliography and index. The text used has been taken from the new Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Fourteen of the 42 volumes of this edition have so far been issued, and new ones are continually being added. If you would like further details of contents, subscrip- tion price, etc. of the Standard Edition, please write for a detailed prospectus.

London. The Hogarth Press And The Institute Of Psychoanalysis. 1961. 118p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Moses and Monotheism

By Sigmund Freud.

Translated from the German by Katherine Jones. From the cover: This volume contains Freud's speculations on various aspects of religion, on the basis of which he explains certain characteristics of the Jewish people in their relations with the Christians. From an intensive study of the Moses legend. Freud comes to the startling conclusion that Moses himself was an Egyptian who brought from his native country the religion he gave to the Jews. He accepts the hypothesis that Moses was murdered in the wilderness, but that his memory was cherished by the people and that his religious doctrine ultimately triumphed. Freud develops his general theory of monotheism, which enables him to throw light on the development of Judaism and Christianity. "An epoch-making work. Professor Freud here ventures into fields hitherto unexplored. The assumptions and theories contained in this remarkable book are sufficiently counterbalanced by historical facts to warrant its validity."-A. A. Brill, M.D.

New York. Vintage Books, A Division Of Random House. 1939. 189p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Totem And Taboo: Resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics

By Sigmund Freud.

Authorized translation with an introduction by A. A. Brill, Ph.B., M.D. From the cover: In this brilliant exploratory attempt (written in 1912- 1913) to extend the analysis of the individual psyche to society and culture, Freud laid the lines for much of his later thought, and made a major contribution ot the psychology of religion. Primitive societies and the individual, he found, mutually illuminate each other, and the psychology of primitive races bears marked resemblances ot the psychology of neurotics. Basing his investigations on the findings of the anthropologists, Freud came to the conclusion that totemism and its accompanying restriction of exogamy derive from the savage's dread of incest, and that taboo customs parallel closely the symptoms of compulsion neurosis. The killing of the "primal father" and the consequent sense of guilt are seen as determining events both in the misty tribal pre-history of mankind, and in the suppressed wishes of individual men. Both totemism and taboo are thus held to have their roots in the Oedipus complex, which lies at the basis of all neurosis, and, as Freud argues, is also the origin of religion, ethics, society, and art.

NY. Random House. 1918. 216p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Psychopathology of Everyday Life

By Sigmund Freud

Authorized English Edition with Introduction by A .A. BRILL, PH. B., M.D. From the cover: According to Sigmund Freud, the founder of the modern psychoanalytic movement, most common slips of the tongue or annoying errors are reflections of disturbances in our personalities, some ofwhich may be buried so deep that we ourselves are hardly aware of them. In this fascinating and useful volume, he analyzes the unconscious sources of ordinary errors and lapses, and draws frankly on his own experiences, as well as those of his friends and patients, to show that there is nothing accidental in psychic life. This basic handbook by one of the great thinkers of our times offers the layman a stimulating introduction to Freud's philosophy. For students of human behavior, it is required reading.

NY. Mentor Book. 1951. 164p. CONTAINS MARK-UP

Sigmund Freud Collected Papers Volume 3

Authorized Translation By Alix And James Strachey.

From Chapter 1. “Tin 1895 and I896 I pu tforward certain views upon the pathogenesis of hysterical symptoms and upon the mental processes occurring in hysteria. Since that time several years have passed. In now proposing, therefore, to substantiate those views by giving a detailed report of the history of a case and its treatment, I cannot avoid making a few introductory remarks, for the purpose partly of justifying from Various points of view the step 1 am takings, and partiy of diminishing teh expectations to which it will give rise. Certainly it was awkward that I was obliged to publish the results of my inquiries without there being any possibility of other specialists testing and checking them, particularly as those results were of a surprising and by no means gratifying character…”

New York Basic Books, Inc. 1959. 584p.

Sigmund Freud Collected Papers Volume 4. Papers On Metapsychology Papers, On Applied Psycho-Analysis

Authorized Translation Under The Supervision Of Joan Riviere.

From the editorial preface: This volume illustrates again the difficulty of classifying papers which range oversuch a variety of topics. The first eight constitute a unity in a way in which the others donot. They treat of mental processesfrom the point of view which Professor Freud has described as metapsychological, a term which is perhaps not too happily chosen. By this he means the consideration of a given mental process in what he regards as the most complete manner possible, that is, when treated topographically, dynamically a n d economic- ally; he would not be satisfied unless it proved capable of being treated from these three points of view. From this series we might single out theessay on The Unconscious for special attention….

NY. Basic Books. 1959. 495p.