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The Americans: Ways Of Life And Thought


By Herbert Agar Ray Billington, Denis Brogan, David Daiches, Corwin D. Edwards, John Hope Franklin, Graham Hutton, Gordon C. Lee And Frank Thistlethwaite

FROM THE PREFACE: “ThE chapters of this book were originally delivered as broadcast talks to the sixth forms of the schools of England and Wales during the spring term of 1955. The British sixth form are a tough-minded crew, and their class room a very lively forum; it is less surprising, therefore, than it might seem, that a series of talks beamed at them should also have been heard by adult cavesdroppers and should now find its way into print to reach a wider public. The talks have been printed as they were spoken, except for the elimination of certain oralisms and the inclusion, here and there, of passages fromthe B.B.C. pamphlet designed to accompany them. They have therefore the limitations of the spoken word in print. Their script-writers had to solve the problem of con- veying a few important truths about the American people in twenty minutes. …”

Melbourne. Cheshire. 1956. 130p.