By Robert Johnson. Illustrations Eleanor Potter Jennifer Leigh Adger
High praise from the cover: “Prison life is dirty, deadly, treacherous and invisible to allbut its inhabitants. Abstractions from outsiders, even well-meaning outsiders, never reveal a prison'sshadow side. But Robert Johnson'spoetry is different. Chameleon-like, John- son assumes the spiritand voice of prison survivors to providean authentic and com-pelling expression ofthe daily reality of prison life.” — Victor Hassine, life sentence prisoner, author, Life without Parole: Living in Prison Today. “Drawing upon years ofstudy andresearch about crime,punishment, imprisonment and the deathpenalty, criminologist and social scientist Robert Johnson has produced a powerful, vivida n d beautiful collection of poems. Johnson's poetry is as provocative and subtle as his prose.” Rita J. Simon, University Professor, School of Public Affairs, American University.
Thomaston, Maine. Northwoods Press. 2004. 101p. CONTAINS MARK-UP