KURT Lewin was one of the founding members of the Society for the Psycho-logical Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), a group of some 3,000 persons with atruly democratic structure and set of ideals. In 1963, the Council of the Society decided to use the Kurt Lewin Memorial Fund to facilitate the translation and publication of some of the early papers by Lewin and his students, and accepted my proposal to give priority to the many doctoral dissertations that were supervised by Lewin and formed the empirical background for the development of field theory. While I believe that this was the best course of action,it does mean that the bulk of Lewin's own early work still remains to be translated. A listing of this work may be found in Alfred Marrow's biography,The Practical Theorist, and some of the royalties from this present book will be returned to the Lewin Memorial Fund and eventually used to insure the translation of these earlier studies.
NY. GARDNER PRESS, INC.,. 1976. 536p