The Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library. Many are written by his former students.

Posts in Social Issues
PARTICIPATION OF THE POOR: Comparative Community Case Studies in the War on Poverty



Participation of the Poor: Comparative Community Case Studies in the War on Poverty delves into the intricate dynamics of poverty alleviation by focusing on the role of local communities in combating economic hardships. Through a series of comparative case studies, this book scrutinizes how the participation of economically disadvantaged individuals can significantly impact the effectiveness of anti-poverty initiatives. By exploring various community-led approaches across different contexts, readers are presented with a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in empowering the poor to be active agents in their own development. As a valuable resource for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the field of poverty alleviation, Participation of the Poor sheds light on the complexities of fostering sustainable change from the bottom up.

Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1969. 282p.

Prostitution and Society: Primitive, Classical and Oriental


Hernando Henriques

In "Prostitution and Society: Primitive, Classical and Oriental," the author delves into the intricate tapestry of historical and cultural perspectives on one of the world's oldest professions. Through a meticulous exploration of primitive, classical, and oriental societies, this book sheds light on the complex interplay between societal norms, gender dynamics, and economic forces that have shaped the institution of prostitution. Drawing on a wealth of research and anthropological insights, the author provides a thought-provoking analysis that challenges conventional wisdom and prompts readers to reconsider their preconceptions about this controversial topic. "Prostitution and Society" is a compelling read that offers a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted relationships between individuals, communities, and the practice of selling sex.

NY. Grove Press, Inc.. 1962. 431p.

STATIONS OF THE LOST: The Treatment of Skid Row Alcoholics


Jacqueline P. Wiseman. With Foreword by HERBERT BLUMER.

STATIONS OF THE LOST: The Treatment of Skid Row Alcoholics delves into the complex and often overlooked world of Skid Row alcoholics. The author provides a compelling and unbiased exploration of the challenges faced by this marginalized community, shedding light on their struggles and the treatment options available. Through poignant storytelling and thorough research, this book offers a deep understanding of the realities of addiction and homelessness, urging readers to confront their preconceptions and consider new perspectives. STATIONS OF THE LOST is a thought-provoking read that aims to spark conversations and inspire change in how society addresses these pressing issues.

PRENTICE-HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1970. 360P.

SOCIAL CLASS IN AMERICA: A Manual of Procedure for the Measurement of Social Status


W. LLOYD WARNER with Marchia Meeker and Kenneth Eells

Social class is a fundamental aspect of American society, influencing individual opportunities, perceptions, and life outcomes. In "Social Class in America," readers are provided with a comprehensive manual designed to facilitate the measurement of social status. Through detailed procedures and methodologies, this book offers a structured approach to understanding the complexities of social class in the United States. From defining key indicators to practical guidelines for data collection and analysis, this manual equips researchers, policymakers, and individuals interested in social dynamics with the tools needed to navigate the intricate landscape of social stratification. Whether exploring the impact of social class on education, employment, or health outcomes, "Social Class in America" serves as an essential resource for those seeking to delve deeper into the dynamics of societal inequality and opportunity.NY. The Academy Library.





FROM THE PREFACE: “While interest in social and community intervention has expanded dramatically in the last several decades, a number of areas have yet to receive thorough and intensive scrutiny, and as a group, they have not been brought together in a single source. An integration, overview, and critical appraisal of this nature by recognized experts is a felt need for graduate students and professionals in a variety of disciplines, as well as by legislators and social policymakers interested in planning and developing current and future social programs and policies. Meeting these needs is precisely the objective of the Handbook of Social Intervention. The Handbook is addressed to both students and professionals and should serve as a valuable resource volume for courses related to planned social change and policy. These courses come under a wide array of disciplines and professions- anthropology, economics, education, law, political science, psychology, psychiatry, social policy programs and institutes, sociology, social work, and urban planning…”

Beverly Hills . SAGE PUBLICATIONS. 1983. 672p.


By Human Milieus

"Issues in Social Ecology" delves into the complex interplay between human societies and the environment, exploring the intricate web of relationships that shape our world. From the impacts of urbanization on biodiversity to the challenges of sustainable resource management, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the key issues facing our planet today. Through careful analysis and thought-provoking insights, the authors provide a balanced examination of the current state of our environment and offer potential pathways toward a more harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. A must-read for anyone interested in understanding and addressing the pressing environmental challenges of our time.

Palo Alto. National Press Books. 1974. 623p.

A TASTE OF PRISON: Custodial conditions for trial and remand prisoners



A Taste of Prison delves into the often overlooked aspects of custodial conditions for individuals awaiting trial or on remand. With a meticulous examination of the challenges faced by these prisoners, the book sheds light on the impact of incarceration on individuals who have not yet been convicted. Through poignant narratives and insightful analysis, this book invites readers to consider the ethical and practical implications of how society treats those awaiting their day in court. An essential read for anyone interested in criminal justice reform and the humane treatment of all individuals within the legal system.

Taylor & Francis, Oct 25, 2023 , 112 pages

Power and Inncence: A Search for the Sources of Violence



In "Power and Innocence," renowned psychoanalyst Rollo May delves into the roots of violence within human nature. Through a thought-provoking exploration of power dynamics, societal structures, and individual psychology, May challenges readers to confront the complexities of aggression and innocence. Drawing upon psychological theory, literature, and case studies, this compelling book offers deep insights into the intricate interplay between power and vulnerability. A timeless work that continues to resonate today, "Power and Innocence" invites readers to reflect on the essential truths about human behavior and the quest for understanding in a world marked by violence and conflict.

NY. W.W. Norton &CompanY. 1972. 267p.

Field Theory as Human-Science: Contributions Of Lewin's Berlin Group



KURT Lewin was one of the founding members of the Society for the Psycho-logical Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), a group of some 3,000 persons with atruly democratic structure and set of ideals. In 1963, the Council of the Society decided to use the Kurt Lewin Memorial Fund to facilitate the translation and publication of some of the early papers by Lewin and his students, and accepted my proposal to give priority to the many doctoral dissertations that were supervised by Lewin and formed the empirical background for the development of field theory. While I believe that this was the best course of action,it does mean that the bulk of Lewin's own early work still remains to be translated. A listing of this work may be found in Alfred Marrow's biography,The Practical Theorist, and some of the royalties from this present book will be returned to the Lewin Memorial Fund and eventually used to insure the translation of these earlier studies.

NY. GARDNER PRESS, INC.,. 1976. 536p