Edited by Peter Scharf
FROM FOREWORD: This reader is the second of tivo recent collections of articles about moral education. The first is Purpel and Ryan's Moral Education (1976), an expansion of a set of articles written for a special reader is compiled for those actually involved in educational practice in the schools. Unlike the Purpel and Ryan book, which is designed to provide an introduction to three different approaches to moral education (the values-clarification approach, the cognitive [or rational decision-making] approach and the cognitive-developmental approach), the present book focuses on a single approach- the cognitive-developmental. (Fenton, 1976). Also valuable and unavailable elsewhere are the articles by Scharf, Hersh, Paolitto, and Selman from a special issue of Contemporary Education (Grimley, 1976).
Minneapolis, MN. Winston Press. 1972. 310p.