The Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library. Many are written by his former students.

Posts tagged public health
VIOLENCE Reflections on a National Epidemic



In "VIOLENCE: Reflections on a National Epidemic," the author delves into the complex and pervasive issue of violence that plagues societies worldwide. Through a thought-provoking exploration, this book examines the roots of violence, its manifestations in various forms, and the far-reaching consequences it has on individuals, communities, and nations.

Drawing on a multitude of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and history, the author presents a comprehensive analysis of violence as a multifaceted phenomenon. By dissecting case studies, psychological theories, and historical events, "VIOLENCE" offers readers a deeper understanding of the underlying factors that contribute to this destructive behavior.

Moreover, the book doesn't merely dwell on the grim realities of violence. It also offers insights into potential solutions and strategies for prevention, urging readers to actively engage in creating a safer and more peaceful world. With its incisive analysis and call to action, "VIOLENCE: Reflections on a National Epidemic" is an essential read for anyone seeking to comprehend, confront, and ultimately overcome the pervasive issue of violence in our society.

VINTAGE BOOKS. A Division of Random House, Inc. New York. 1997. 296p.

STATIONS OF THE LOST: The Treatment of Skid Row Alcoholics


Jacqueline P. Wiseman. With Foreword by HERBERT BLUMER.

STATIONS OF THE LOST: The Treatment of Skid Row Alcoholics delves into the complex and often overlooked world of Skid Row alcoholics. The author provides a compelling and unbiased exploration of the challenges faced by this marginalized community, shedding light on their struggles and the treatment options available. Through poignant storytelling and thorough research, this book offers a deep understanding of the realities of addiction and homelessness, urging readers to confront their preconceptions and consider new perspectives. STATIONS OF THE LOST is a thought-provoking read that aims to spark conversations and inspire change in how society addresses these pressing issues.

PRENTICE-HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs, N. J. 1970. 360P.