Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library, including many written by his former students.
The Correctional Association of New York, . Before the Haring of the Assembly’s Corrections and Mental Health Committees, Mental Health Services in NY Prisons — November 13 (2014) 10 pages.
Impanelled upon application of Attorney General Robert Abrams, Feb. 29 1988 by the Hon. Angelo J. Ingrassia, Justice of the Supreme Court. (1988) 71 pages.
Edited by Keith Bottomley and Will Hay. Centre for Criminology and C liminal Justice, University of Hull. paper presented at a Conference held at Langwith College, University of York. 2-3 April (1990) 131 pages.
By E. Fuller Torrey, Joan Steiber, Jonathan Ezekiel, Sidney wolfe, Joshua Sbarfstein, John H. Noble, and Laurie M. Flynn. A joint report of the National Alliance for the Me tally Ill and Public Citizen’s Hualth Research Group. (1992) 164 pages.
Elmer H. Johnson. Center for Study of Crime, Delinquency, and C corrections, Southern Illinois University. With Benjamin Britt, Medical Directo, North Carolina Department of Corrections. Grant MH 12032-01 and MH 14475-01 NIMH. (1969) 387 pages.