The Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library. Many are written by his former students.

Posts tagged police reform


Samuel G. Chapman

In "Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures," author delves into the complex and disturbing issue of violence against law enforcement officers. With a meticulous analysis of the factors contributing to such tragedies, this book sheds light on the various challenges faced by police officers in the line of duty.

Through compelling case studies and insightful research, the author explores innovative strategies and effective countermeasures aimed at preventing police murders. From improved training protocols to community engagement initiatives, this book offers a comprehensive overview of proactive measures that can enhance officer safety and strengthen police-community relations.

A must-read for law enforcement professionals, policymakers, and individuals concerned about the safety of those who protect and serve, "Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures" provides valuable perspectives and practical solutions in the ongoing effort to address this critical issue.

Santa Cruz, California. DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 1976. 154

The Honest Politician's Guide Crime Control

By Norval Morris and Gordon Hawkins

FROM THE JACKET: "We have a cure for crime," Morris and Hawkins boldly state. *We offer not a lightning panacea but rather a legislative and administrative regimen which would substantially reduce crime and the fear of crime." Crime seriously impairs the quality of life in this country. We hesitate to walk at night in our cities. Our level of criminal violence shocks the world. "To the student of comparative criminal statistics the United States may or may not be the land of the free, but it is most certainly the home of the brave." "There is now available to us," the authors argue, "a fund of information on the subject which, were it acted upon responsibly and steadily, would reduce crime and curtail the fear, suffering, and unhappiness it entails. It is not lack of knowledge, but rather a failure of political responsibility, that supports our present luxuriant crime rates." Hence the program this book offers is directed to the politicians and to the concerned citizens who are responsible for them….

Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1970.