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The Evaluation of European Criminal Law

Edited by Anne Weyembergh and Veronica Santamaria.

The example of the Framework Decision on combating trafficking in human beings. The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems. “Trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Lithuania still remains rather a relevant problem – according to the data of the Police Department of Lithuania, 96 persons have suffered from trafficking in human beings in 2006 and the common depersonalised database on the victims of trafficking in human beings, where information is submitted by all NGOs working with persons of this category, had 101 persons recorded in 2006.” (French and English).

Bruxelles: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2009. 406p.