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Work and Life Stressors of Law Enforcement Personnel

By Daniel S. Lawrence and Benjamin Carleton

  In early 2023, the CNA Corporation, with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, conducted comprehensive staff surveys in nine law enforcement agencies nationwide. These surveys encompassed personnel from all levels and roles within the agencies, including sworn officers as well as nonsworn professional staff. This report presents a detailed analysis of the written responses gathered in response to a specific survey question. This question requested respondents to articulate the factors contributing to the deterioration of their mental and emotional well-being, both in their personal lives and within the context of their work. A total of 993 responses underwent a meticulous review process, resulting in the categorization of comments into 37 distinct categories, which were further consolidated into six overarching topical areas. The first three of these topical areas focused on various facets of the work environment, including leadership and supervision, other workplace-related stressors, and workplace culture. The two subsequent areas delved into the realm of the individual's private life, examining aspects of personal life stressors and mental health. The final topical area centered on stressors originating from the public that affected the respondents' lives and work. This report provides insights into the specific stressors identified by this cross-section of law enforcement staff. It also highlights variations in the mentions of topical areas across different demographic and positional characteristics, including statistically significant differences where applicable. In conclusion, the report presents policy recommendations aimed at enhancing the overall quality of life and the effectiveness of work for law enforcement personnel.

Arlington, VA ; CNA, 2023. 26p.

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