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Justice responses to sexual violence: issues paper

By Australian Law Reform Commission

The Australian Law Reform Commission (‘ALRC’) is inquiring into justice responses to sexual violence. The ALRC will consider how to harmonise laws about sexual violence across Australia and how to promote just outcomes for people who have experienced sexual violence. Particular attention will be paid to people in groups that are disproportionately reflected in sexual violence statistics. The recommendations will aim to ensure that people who have experienced sexual violence and their families are properly supported when they seek help, and that the justice response minimises the extent of any re-traumatisation.

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) invites stakeholder submissions in relation to the questions raised in this issues paper and welcomes submissions from individuals and organisations from all over Australia. The ALRC is especially interested in hearing from:

  • people who have experienced sexual violence;

  • state and territory government and law enforcement agencies;

  • policy and research organisations;

  • community service providers (especially specialist sexual assault service providers and legal assistance service providers) and the broader legal profession (including prosecutors and defence lawyers); and

  • people and organisations representing groups that are overrepresented in sexual violence statistics.

  Issues Paper 49  

Victoria: The Commission, 2024. 32p.

Maddy B