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Opportunities to Accelerate Naturebased Solutions: A Roadmap for Climate Progress, Thriving Nature, Equity, & Prosperity. A Report to the National Climate Task Force

By Tallis, Heather M. Olander, Lydia; Laymon, Krystal

From the Executive Summary: "On Day One of his Administration, President Biden joined global leaders in committing to limit global warming through the Paris Climate Agreement [hyperlink]. Nature-based solutions are key to reaching this goal. America's forests absorb carbon dioxide at a rate equal to 10% of U.S. annual greenhouse gas emissions. Some researchers estimate that nature-based solutions can boost progress towards our climate goal by up to 30%. Despite the potential for nature to be an ally in the fight against climate change, nature is in decline. This loss of nature moves us away from climate goals and the other benefits of a healthy natural environment. [...] On Earth Day 2022, the President made nature-based solutions a national priority. In Executive Order 14072 [hyperlink], the President made a broad call for the accelerated deployment of nature-based solutions to tackle climate change and adapt to impacts already underway. The President also called for a report identifying key opportunities for greater use of nature-based solutions across the federal government. The White House's Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Office of Domestic Climate Policy, in consultation with federal agencies, have responded. This report marks the first time in history that the federal government has taken a hard look at what is needed to ambitiously scale up nature-based solutions. [...] 'This report provides a roadmap with five strategic recommendations for federal agencies to unlock the potential of nature-based solutions and highlights bold Executive Office of the President actions designed to pave the way.'"

Council On Environmental Quality (U.S.); White House Office Of Domestic Climate Policy (U.S.); United States. Office Of Science And Technology Policy. 2022.