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A definition of Islamophobia? Old problems remain, as new problems emerge

 By Khalid Mahmood , John Jenkins and Martyn Frampton 

Policy Exchange this week shone a light on how the term ‘Islamophobia’ is being regularly misused to silence open debate about contemporary issues, with a series of egregious examples since the 7/10 attacks on Israel by Hamas catalogued in this new report.

The authors - including senior Labour MP Khalid Mahmood, Sir John Jenkins, former UK Ambassador to Saudi Arabia and author of the official 2014 UK Review of the Muslim Brotherhood and senior academic Martin Frampton - conclude that the use of the term ‘Islamophobia’ has become wider, less coherent and at times inflated to a remarkable degree. They argue that the threat to freedom of speech could not be more clearly signposted. In the absence of any single definition, the authorities should maintain their efforts to tackle anti-Muslim – as indeed any - prejudice, bigotry, and hatred in all its forms.

London: Policy Exchange, 2024. 22p.

Maddy B