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History of the Inca Empire


By Father Bernabe Cobo. Translated and edited by Roland Hamilton

FROM THE COVER: “The Historia del Nuevo Mundo, set down by Father Bernabe Cobo during the first half of the seventeenth century, represents a singularly valuable source on Inca culture. Working directly from the original document, Roland Hamilton has translated that part of Cobo's massive manuscripts that focuses on the history of the kingdom of Peru. The volume includes a general account of the aspect, character, and dress of the Indians as well as a superb treatise on the Incas-their legends, history, and social institutions.”

Austin. University Of Texas Press. 2000. 301p.

A History Of Europe Vol. I From the Earliest Times to 1713


By H. A. L. Fisher

FROM THE PREFACE: “…Men wiser a n dmore learned than I have discerned in history a plot, a rhythm, a predetermined pattern. These harmonies are concealed from me. I can see only o n e emergency following upon another as wave follows upon wave, only one great fact withrespect to which, since it is unique, there can be no generalizations, only one safe rule for the historian: that he should recognize in the develop- ment of human destinies the play of the contingent and the unforeseen. This is not a doctrine of cynicism and despair. The fact of progress is written plain and large on the page of history; but progress is not a law of nature. The ground gained by one generation may b e lost by the next. The thoughts of men may flow into the channels which lead to disaster and barbarism….

London. Collins. Fontana. 1960 (1936). 770p.

Early Modern Europe from about 1450 to about 1720


By Sir George Clark

FROM THE JACKET: “In this book (originally written for The Europear Inheritance) Sir George Clark tells the story of European civilization, western and eastern, in the period which followed the Middle Ages. Beginning about 1453, when the Turks captured Constantinople, be- fore America was discovered or Martin Luther born, it ends in the early eighteenth century, when Peter the Great was founding St. Peters- burg, when Sir Isaac Newton was a very old man, when steam-engines were already in use, but before any- one foresaw the French Revolution. Touching many aspects of civiliza- tion, economic, social, political, mili- tary, naval, religious and intellectual, it presents the history of the period as a record of endeavour and achievement. It is neither, on the one hand, a mere summary of facts and dates, nor, on the other, a mere essay in interpretation…”

London. Oxford University Press. 1957. 273p.

The Reformation


By George L. Mosse

FROM THE PREFACE: “A prominent historian once wrote that "what man is, only history tells." This is certainly true if we want to understand the evolution of man in the society which he has made for himself. The age of the Reformation represents a crucial step in that historical development. Through their own thought the Reformers mirrored the doubts, hopes, and aspirations of the people of Europe. Yet it has been difficult to find modern interpretations of the age which are neither too specialized nor too elementary. Such interpretations undoubtedly do exist, but in the form of larger and more detailed analyses or as chapters in general works. This book is meant to provide an initial grasp of this epoch, and the bibliography at the end of the work will enable those so inclined to go further into the prob. lems and interpretations of the age.

NY. Henry Holt And Company. 1953. 110p.

Stonehenge Decoded


By Gerald S. Hawkins in collaboration with John B. White

FROM THE FOREWORD: “It is altogether fitting that the discoveries described in this book were made by an astronomer affiliated with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Samuel P. Langley, third secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and founder of its Astrophysical Observatory, was the first maior scientist to recognize the possible astronomic importance of the "rude, enormous monoliths" of Salisbury Plain. In his book The New Astronomy he wrote, "Most great national observatories, like Greenwich or Washington, are the perfected development of that kind of astronomy of which the builders of Stonehenge represent the infancy. Those primitive men could know where the sun would rise on a certain day, and make their observation of its place . .. without knowing anything of its physical nature." By "that kind of astronomy" he meant classical positional observation, the study of the motions rather than the structurest the "where" rather than the "what" —of beavenly bodies. His "new astronomy" was what we now call astrophysics. Langleywrote that in 1889,b y happy coincidence the same year in which construction was begun on the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. He would have been pleased to know that just seventy-five years after he made his extraordinarily wise evaluation a worker in the observatory which he founded would play a part in establishing the great astronomical signiticance of Stonehenge.

London. Fontana. 1970. 259p.

The Italian Painters Of the Renaissance


By Bernhard Berenson

FROM THE PREFACE: “The following essay owes its origin to the author's belief that Venetian painting is the most complete expression in art of the Italian Renaissance. The Renaissance is even more important typically than historically. Historically it may be looked upon as an age of glory or of shame according to the different views entertained of European events during the past five centuries. But typically it stands for youth, and youth alone--for intellectual curiosity and energy grasping at the whole of life as material which it hope so mould in any shape….”

London. Oxford. Fontana. 1930). 1960. 274p.

The Habsburg Monarchy 1809-1918: A History Of The Austrian Empire And Austria-Hungary


By A.J. P. Taylor

FROM THE PREFACE: “This book is an entirely rewritten version of an carlier work with the same title, which I published in 1941. It is about half as long again as its predecessor. Apart from general additions, it treats Austrian foreign policy with greater detail and relevance. The Habsburg Monarchy, more than most great powers, was an organization for conducting foreign policy; and its fate was determined quite as much by foreign affairs as by the behaviour of its peoples. The creation of the Austrian Empire was dictated by Napoleon; the establishment of Austria-Hungary by Bismarck; and the Monarchy fell at the end of a great war, which it had itself helped to bring about. My attempt to write the history of the Habsburg Monarchy without discussing Habsburg foreign policy made much of the original book puzzling; and I hope I have now remedied this defect. The other principal change is in treatment. Despite efforts to face reality, the earlier book was still dominated by the 'liberal illusion'; many passages talked of 'lost opportunities' and suggested that the Habsburg Monarchy might have survived if only this or that statesman or people had been more sensible. ..”

London. Penguin 1978. 305p.

Women In History


Compiled and edited by Don Shepherd with an Introduction by Eleanora de Vincent

FROM THE COVER: “This illustrated volume takes a close look at the famous and infamous women who have influenced history. Once buried under a blanket of indifference, their contributions emerge today as a fascinating study of women, of their search for identity, and of their striving over the limitations and constraints of the times in which they lived. An important addition to the literature of Women's Liberation is this collection of articles on the deeds and misdeeds of the assassin Charlotte Corday, the wondering queen Nefertiti, the eminent Mary, Queen of Scots, the imperial Chinese women, the tempestuous women in Hispanic history, the auto- cratic Catherine the Great, those women of fortune, Naksh and Josephine, America's First Lady of Art, Mary Cassatt, the valiant Dolley Madison and China's Dowager Empress Tzu Hsi.

Los Angeles. Mankind Publishing Company .

Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition


By Norman ItzkowItz

FROM THE PREFACE: “This book provides the student with an introduction to the historical development of the Ottoman Empire and an appreciation of its institutions, social structure, and. intellectual foundations. The narrative carries the Ottomans from their beginning on theByzantine frontier as an Islamic warrior principality, through the development of their empire, down to the late cighteenth century when they found it necessary to embark upon the process of modernization. I have delineated the fundamental institutions of the Ottoman state, the major dividing lines within the society, and the basic ideas on goverment and social structure that helped the Ottomans found their empire, fostered its growth, and then sustained it through periods of inter- nal dissension and external threat.

Chic ago and London. The University of Chicago Press. 1972. 131p.

Modern Greece: A Short History


By C. M. Woodhouse

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “What is the subject of the history of Greece: a race, a country, a language, a religion, a culture, an idea? Something of each of them must go into the answer, but none of them is adequate by itself, and their inadequacy varies.

As a complete answer, some of them can be ruled out at once. A country, for instance: the boundaries of what might be called, Greece have long fluctuated over a very wide area, and have not ceased to change, though by smaller variations, even in the present century. Or a religion: for the Orthodox Church, which, has been the religion of most Greeks for sixteen centuries, is also the religion of millions of non-Greeks, particularly among the Slavs. Or a race: ever since the work of Jakob Fallmerayer in the nineteenth century, it has been unreasonable to think of the inhabitants of Greece (however defined) as racially homogeneous and lineally descended from the ancient Hellenes. It would be equally unreasonable, however, to assert dogmatically. that no Greek living today could possibly have had a direct ancestor living in Greece 2,500 years ago….”

London. Faber and Faber. 1998. 374p.

A Little History of the World


By E. H. Gombrich. Translated By Caroline Mustill

"A masterpiece of nonfiction writing for children. It is a wry and charming book, perfectly suited to the capacities of a 10-year-old, but also remarkably free of condescension. An adult can read it with pleasure. And, indeed, with instruction -Scott McLemee, Newsday

New Haven And London. Yale University Press. 2008. 308p.

The Civilization Of The Renaissance In Italy


By Jacob Burckhardt. Translated by S. G. C. Middlemore With a new Introduction by Peter Burke and Notes by Peter Murray

FROM THE INTRODUCTION : “….Burckhardt's conception of history was a very different one from that of many of his contemporaries. He rejected both the positivism andthe Hegelianism which fascinated so many of his contemporaries all over Europe. As a student at the university of Berlin, he wrote regretfully that the philosophy of history was taught by followers of Hegel, 'whom I cannot understand'. As a professor at the university of Basel, he told his students that his lectures on the study of history would offer 'no philosophy of history. According to Burckhardt, there was no such thing; the idea of the philosophy of history was a contradiction in terms, 'for history co-ordinates, and hence is unphilosophical, while philosophy subordinates, and hence is unhistorical. In other words, history is unsystematic and systems are unhistorical.

This view is further from British historical empiricism than it may look. Unlike many practising historians, Burckhardt was not philoso- phically illiterate. Despite his claim to be unfit for speculation and abstract thought, he was well acquainted with the ideas of Hegel and Schopenhauer as well as with those of the young Nietzsche, with whom he used to go for walks discussing ideas. Although he was sceptical of the claims made for grand philosophical systems, his vision ofthe past was not completely free of philosophical presuppositions, as weshall see….”

London. Penguin 1990. 388p.

The Renaissance Medieval or Modern?


Edited With An Introduction BY Karl H. Dannenfeldt.

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “In 1860 in the introduction to his work on The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, Jacob Burckhardt predicted the present "Problem of the Renaissance” when he wrote "To each eye, perhaps, the out¬lines of a great civilization present a differ¬ent picture. ... In the wide ocean upon which we venture, the possible ways and directions are many; and the same studies which have served for this work might easily, in other hands, not only receive a wholly different treatment and application, but lead to essentially different conclusions.” To the writers of the Italian Renaissance itself, there was no serious problem. Their views of the age in which they were living furnished the basis for a long-held concept, namely, that after a period of about a thousand years of cultural darkness and igno-rance, there arose a new age with a great revival in classical literature, learning, and the arts. The humanists of the Northern Renaissance continued this concept. "Out of the thick Gothic night our eyes are opened to the glorious torch of the sun,” wrote Rabelais. Moreover, there was also now introduced a reforming religious element, further emphasizing the medieval barbarization of religion and culture. Protestant writers joined in this condemnation of the dark medieval period, an attack little circumscribed by the defense of the medieval Church by Catholic apologists…”

Boston. D. C. Heath. Problems In European Civilization. 1959. 129p.

Protestantism And Capitalism: The Weber Thesis and Its Critics


Edited With An Introduction By Robert W. Green

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “Did the Protestant Reformation, and especially its Calvinist branch, have a decisive influence upon the development of modern capitalism? For more than half a century this question has been the focal point of a scholarly controversy which had its beginning in 1904-5 with the publication by the famous German sociologist, Max Weber, of two articles entitled “Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus” [The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism]. Together with a supplementary article, “Die protestantische Sekten und der Geist des Kapitalismus” [The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism], which appeared in 1906, these articles, with some additional footnotes, now constitute the first studies in Max Weber's collected essays on the sociology of religion….Almost immediately following their first appearance, these articles attracted the interest of scholars in several different fields because, in its various aspects, the Weber hypothesis cut across the areas of a number of separate scholarly disciplines. Since Weber was himself a sociollogist, and in this instance he seemed to be attempting to apply a sociological method to an historical problem, both sociologists and historians became concerned. Because capitalism was involved, economic historians were aroused; and the role Weber assigned to Protestantism drew the attention of both Catholic and Protestant theologians. Some of these scholars attacked Weber’s position; some supported it; some seemed willing to accept a modified or cautiously qualified version of it. Beyond that, however, if one may judge by what they have written, the authors who commented upon Weber’s work, whether supporting or attacking it, seem frequently to have misunderstood or misinterpreted either Weber’s method or his conclusions or both…”

Boston. D. C. Heath And Company. Problems In European Civilization. 1959. 132p.

The Outbreak Of The First World War Who Was Responsible?


Edited With An Introduction By Dwight E. Lee

FROM THTE INTRODUCTION: “The origins of the First World War have become a major historical prob¬lem not merely because the event seemed to be of great significance as a turning point in world history, but also, and perhaps more importantly, because the question of who was responsible, raised during the war and answered in the peace settle¬ment, became a vital and passionately argued issue in both domestic and international politics. By placing the blame for the war on Germany and its allies and thereby justifying reparations, the victorious powers supplied one of the major factors utilized by Hitler in his rise to power in Germany….”

Boston. D. C. Heath And Company. Problems of European Civilization. 1958. 88p.

The Origins Of The English Civil War: Conspiracy, Crusade, or Class Conflict?


Edited With An Introduction BY Philip A. M. Taylor

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “…Most English people who are not professional students have had their view of the origins of the Civil War formed, directly or indirectly, by the first chapter of Macaulay’s History. This is partly because, from the vantage point of modem constitutional history, the Parlia¬mentarians in that conflict are seen to have been on the winning side. But the lasting popularity of Macaulay derives also from his forceful style and the sweeping confi¬dence of his interpretations. He points out that James I and Charles I were far more extreme and outspoken in their claims than Elizabeth had been; yet there was no crisis of national peril to inhibit opposition. The natural enemy of royal claims, he thinks, was Puritanism inside and outside Parlia¬ment. When, in 1640, Charles was forced by financial difficulties to summon Parliament once more, its leaders, "great statesmen" as Macaulay terms them, at once devoted their energies to limiting his power. Increasingly distrustful of the king's intentions. Parliament refused him control of the armed forces needed to suppress rebellion in Ireland. Charles’ retaliation, in attempting to arrest five members of the Commons, made inevitable a war to limit the royal preroga-tive. Macaulay is sure that it would have been better to depose the king, as was done in 1688; but he admits that no one in. 1642 could face such a drastic course.

This ‘Whig interpretation" has prevailed among those interested chiefly in the growth of constitutional liberty. But, from quite a different point of view, Marxists have ascribed great importance to the Civil War which, to them, is a “bourgeois revolu¬tion," the political act by which English capitalism overthrew “feudal" society and insured for itself favorable conditions for development….”

Boston. D. C. Heath And Company. Problems In European Civilization. 1960. 125p.

Machiavelli: Cynic, Patriot, or Political Scientist?


Edited With An Introduction By De Lamar Jensen

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “ In more than four hundred years of evaluation and reinterpretation, few names in European history have caused more disagreement and controversy than Machiavelli's. Nearly everyone who has written on modem European history, and particularly on the Renaissance, agrees that Machiavelli was one of the most important figures of the century, but rarely will they concur on the reason for his prominence. Why has this polemic continued so long without sign of abating or losing its vigor? Undoubtedly there can be many answers, and among them certainly is the fact that Machiavelli’s written words deal with subjects of lasting and vital interest to all ages. People of every generation must ask themselves the questions which Machiavelli aroused. What is the relationship between politics and morals? Does the end really justify the means? What is the nature and role of the state? How are liberty and order to be balanced and maintained? To the historian an infinite number of additional problems are suggested by the life and writings of this Renaissance Floren¬tine, from the question of his relationship to the humanist writers of his time to the methods and motives of his public and pri-vate life. For Machiavelli was not restricted to one career, and each of them — diplomat, secretary, statesman, military strategist, political philosopher, historian, man of letters — offers a rich and rewarding field for schol¬arly investigation…”

Boston. D. C. Heath. Problems In European Civilization. 1960. 131p.

The Industrial Revolution In Britain: Triumph or Disaster?


Edited with an Introduction by Philip A. M. Taylor

FROM THE INTRODUCTION: “While the phrase "…Industrial Revolution," or something like it, can be found very early in the nineteenth century, it was given its wide currency by the lectures de¬livered at Oxford by Arnold ToynSefc and published in 1884, after his early death. It was in the eighth of these lectures that Toynbee summed up his views about the period 1750-1850. He pointed out the rapid growth of population; the moderniza¬tion both of the techniques and of the or¬ganization of farming, especially the trans¬forming, by the process of enclosure, of medieval open fields into modern compact farms; the rapidity of invention in industry, above all in textiles; the development of powerful machines and their grouping into factories. To him, these changes seemed emphatically revolutionary. But he thought he saw, in addition to these material changes, a change of outlook, from the medieval desire to regulate economic life to a modem acceptance of free competition. He considered that for the lower classes in town and country the total result was distastrous, "Production on a vast scale,” he said at the end of Lecture VII, "the result of free competition, led to a rapid alienation of classes and to the degradation of a large body of producers.”-

Boston. D. C. Heath Co. Problems In European Civilization.. 1958. 108p.

A Short History of Greece: From Early Times To 1964


By W. A. Heurtley, H. C. Darby C.W. Crawley And C.M. Woodhouse

FROM THE COVER: “An introduction to Greek history from prehistoric times until the end of 1964. It is based on the historical sections of the Hand- book first issued by the Naval Intelligence Division of the Admiralty during the war and is a companion volume to the successful series of short histories of France, Germany, Italy and Yugoslavia already published. The original contributors were the late W. A. Heurtley, Professor H. C. Darby and C. W. Crawley. The final section has been written by the Hon. C. M. Wood- house, who was formerly Director-General of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. This history will appeal to general readers and tourists as well as students in universities and schools.

'This extraordinary book compresses into 183 pages of text the history of mainland Greece from the earliest times to the end of 1964. What is more, itdoes so from the unfamiliar perspective of the present day . . . Anyone would gain by reading this short book; but most of all, perhaps, those who have attacked Greek history through the other end of the telescope.' Economist

London. Cambridge At The University Press. 1967. 210p.

Summer For The Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion


By Edward J. Larson

FROM THE PREFACE: “ThE SCOPES TRAIL has dog ged me for more than a decade, ever since I wrote my first book on the Ameri- can controversy over creation and evolution. The trial only constituted one brief episode in the earlier book, yet people who knew of my work

asked me more about that one event than everything else in the book combined--and they would tell me about the Scopes trial and what it meant to them. Over the years, their questions and comments led me to reflect on the so-called trial of the century. Finally, one of my colleagues, Peter Hoffer, suggested that I write a separate book solely about the trial and its place in American history. The idea made immediate sense. As a historical event and topic of legend, the trial had taken on a life and meaning of its own independent of the overall creation-evolution controversy. Indeed, this book is different from my earlier one in that they chronicle remarkably separate stories. Both are tales worth telling as sto- ries of our time. Furthermore, no historian had examined the Scopes trial as a separate study in decades. I had access to a wealth of new archival material about the trial not available to earlier historians, and the benefit of additional hindsight…”

Cambridge. Harvard University Press. 1997. 317p.