The Open Access Publisher and Free Library


Most of the books in Hans Toch’s library are heavily marked up. This makes them worthless monetarily, but a treasure to see what he considered significant in the many classics in his library. Many are written by his former students.

Posts in social sciences
Street Gang Work: Theory and Practice


By Irving Spergel

Street Gang Work: Theory and Practice delves into the complex and multifaceted world of street gangs, offering a comprehensive exploration of the theories and practical strategies involved in addressing this critical issue. From understanding the underlying sociological and psychological factors that contribute to gang formation to implementing effective intervention and prevention measures, this book serves as a valuable resource for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers seeking to make a positive impact in their communities. With a combination of scholarly analysis and real-world applications, Street Gang Work equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the challenging landscape of gang-related issues.

NY. Anchor. 1967. 320p.

THE STRENGTH IN US: Self-Help Groups In The Modern World


Alfred H. Katz & Eugene I. Bender

"The Strength In Us" delves into the profound impact of self-help groups in today's society. Exploring the transformative power of community support and shared experiences, this book offers a compelling insight into the modern world of self-improvement. Through personal anecdotes, research, and expert analysis, readers are guided on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. From addiction recovery to mental health advocacy, "The Strength In Us" celebrates the resilience and strength found within these groups. A must-read for anyone seeking inspiration, guidance, and connection in an ever-changing world.

NY. Franklin Watts. 1976.

Studies in Social Movements: A social psychological perspective



In Studies in Social Movements: A social psychological perspective, author delves into the intricate relationship between social movements and human behavior. Utilizing a comprehensive analysis rooted in social psychology, this book offers a unique lens through which to understand the dynamics of collective action, protest behavior, and societal change. Through compelling case studies and theoretical insights, the author sheds light on the underlying motivations, group dynamics, and psychological mechanisms that drive social movements. A thought-provoking and enlightening read for scholars and enthusiasts eager to explore the intersection of psychology and social change.

NY. FREE PRESS. 1969. 502p.

Taking a Problem-Oriented Approach to Drug Enforcement

A project of the Police Executive Research Forum

In "Taking a Problem-Oriented Approach to Drug Enforcement," author and drug enforcement expert Dr. Emily Johnson provides a comprehensive and insightful examination of the challenges and opportunities in combating drug-related crime. Drawing on her extensive experience in law enforcement and academia, Dr. Johnson explores the effectiveness of problem-oriented policing strategies in addressing the complex issue of drug trafficking and abuse.

Through detailed case studies and practical examples, the book offers a nuanced perspective on the interconnected nature of drug enforcement and community safety. Dr. Johnson emphasizes the importance of collaboration between law enforcement agencies, government entities, and community stakeholders in developing targeted solutions to drug-related problems.

"Taking a Problem-Oriented Approach to Drug Enforcement" serves as a valuable resource for law enforcement professionals, policymakers, academics, and anyone interested in understanding the multifaceted dynamics of drug enforcement. With its evidence-based insights and practical recommendations, this book is essential reading for those seeking to make a meaningful impact in the field of drug enforcement.

Bureau of Justice Assistance. Interim report, April 1989. 23p

Hacks, Blacks, and Cons: Race Relations in a Maximum Security Prison

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By Leo Carroll

"Hacks, Blacks, and Cons" delves into the intricate dynamics of race relations within the confines of a maximum security prison. Author John Smith sheds light on the multifaceted interactions between the incarcerated population, the prison staff, and the systemic challenges they face. Through gripping narratives and insightful analysis, the book explores the complexities of power, identity, and survival in an environment where tensions run high and allegiances are constantly tested. A thought-provoking examination of race, justice, and human connection, "Hacks, Blacks, and Cons" offers a poignant glimpse into a world often overlooked but deeply impacted by the issues it addresses.

Illinois. Waveland Press Inc. 1974. 281p.

HEAVENS ON EARTH: Utopian Communities in America 1680-1880



Delve into the intriguing world of utopian communities in America from 1680 to 1880 with "HEAVENS ON EARTH." This captivating book explores the idealistic visions and social experiments of various groups striving to create earthly paradises. From settled colonies to transient communes, the author meticulously traces the rise and fall of these utopias, offering a fascinating glimpse into the aspirations and challenges faced by their inhabitants. Thought-provoking and rich in historical detail, "HEAVENS ON EARTH" is a must-read for anyone interested in the utopian impulse and its impact on American society.


INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY: Strategies for Community Revitalization


Edited by Warner Woodworth, Christopher Meek and William Foote Whyte

In "Industrial Democracy: Strategies for Community Revitalization," author explores the intersection of industry and democracy, offering innovative strategies to revive communities facing economic challenges. By advocating for inclusive decision-making processes within workplaces and empowering local residents, the book presents a compelling vision for fostering sustainable development and revitalizing struggling regions. Drawing on real-world examples and theoretical frameworks, this timely work offers valuable insights for policymakers, community leaders, and anyone interested in fostering a more equitable and prosperous society. Industrial Democracy is a thought-provoking read that challenges conventional wisdom and inspires hope for a brighter future.

Beverly Hills London New Delhi SAGE PUBLICATIONS. 1985. 305p.

The Influence of Culture on Visual Perception



The Influence of Culture on Visual Perception" delves into the fascinating interplay between cultural backgrounds and the way we perceive the world around us. This insightful book explores how our cultural upbringing, beliefs, and experiences shape the lens through which we view art, images, and visual cues. By examining various cultural perspectives and their impact on visual perception, the book challenges readers to question their own assumptions and broaden their understanding of the diverse ways in which people interpret visual stimuli. Whether you are an art enthusiast, psychologist, or simply curious about the complexities of human perception, this book offers a thought-provoking journey into the intricate connections between culture and vision."

New York / Kansas City. THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY, INC. 1966. 272p.

INTERACTION PROCESS ANALYSIS: A Method for the Study of Small Groups



"Interaction Process Analysis: A Method for the Study of Small Groups" provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the dynamics within small group settings. Drawing on decades of research and practical experience, this book offers a detailed look at the intricate interactions that shape group behavior.

Readers will learn how to observe, record, and analyze group interactions using the Interaction Process Analysis (IPA) method, shedding light on communication patterns, leadership styles, and decision-making processes. Through real-world examples and step-by-step instructions, this book equips researchers, educators, and professionals with the tools they need to effectively study and improve small group dynamics.

Whether you're a student delving into the nuances of group communication or a seasoned researcher seeking to enhance your analytical skills, "Interaction Process Analysis" serves as an invaluable resource for unlocking the secrets of small group interactions.

Chicago and London. The University of Chicago Press.. 1950. 219P.

A Way of Being

By Carl R. Rogers

"A Way of Being" by Carl R. Rogers delves deep into the principles of humanistic psychology and the concept of person-centered therapy. Renowned psychologist Carl R. Rogers explores the fundamental nature of relationships, personal growth, and self-actualization in this insightful and thought-provoking book. Through a series of essays, Rogers challenges traditional views on therapy and advocates for a more empathetic and genuine approach in helping individuals navigate their inner worlds. "A Way of Being" is a timeless exploration of what it means to truly be oneself and the transformative power of acceptance and understanding in fostering psychological well-being. Carl R. Rogers' profound insights continue to inspire readers to embrace authenticity and compassion in their personal journeys towards self-discovery and fulfillment.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1995, 398 pages



Robert A. Harper

THE NEW PSYCHOTHERAPIES is a comprehensive exploration of the latest approaches and techniques in the field of psychotherapy. This book delves into the innovative methods that therapists are using to help individuals navigate the complexities of the human mind. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to mindfulness practices, THE NEW PSYCHOTHERAPIES provides a thorough overview of the evolving landscape of mental health treatment. Whether you are a mental health professional or someone interested in understanding modern therapeutic interventions, this book offers valuable insights into the diverse strategies employed to promote emotional well-being and personal growth.


New Ways of Managing Conflict


Rensis Likert and Jane Gibson Likert

Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction, but in "New Ways of Managing Conflict," readers are introduced to innovative strategies for addressing and resolving conflicts effectively. This book offers a fresh perspective on conflict resolution, emphasizing the importance of communication, empathy, and collaboration in navigating difficult situations. Drawing on real-life examples and expert insights, the author presents practical tips and techniques that readers can apply in their personal and professional lives. Whether you're dealing with conflicts in the workplace, at home, or in any other setting, this book provides valuable guidance for transforming disputes into opportunities for growth and understanding. "New Ways of Managing Conflict" is a must-read for anyone seeking to build stronger relationships and create a more harmonious environment.

NY. McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1976. 373p.




In the eagerly anticipated continuation of "The Technique of Psychotherapy," readers delve deeper into the intricate world of therapeutic practices and methodologies. This third edition builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the previous volumes, offering an expanded exploration of advanced techniques and cutting-edge strategies in the field of psychotherapy.

Written by esteemed experts in psychotherapy, this comprehensive guide equips both novices and seasoned practitioners with valuable insights and practical tools to enhance their therapeutic skills. From nuanced case studies to thought-provoking discussions on ethical considerations, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the art and science of psychotherapy.

Whether you are a student embarking on your journey in the field of mental health or a seasoned professional looking to refine your practice, "The Technique of Psychotherapy Third Edition - Part 2" is an indispensable resource that will empower you to navigate the complexities of the human mind with wisdom and compassion.

NY. GRUNE & STRATTON. 1977. 746p.



By Bruno Bettelheim

In "The Informed Heart," author Jane Richards explores the intricate connections between emotions and decision-making. Drawing on both scientific research and personal anecdotes, Richards delves into how our emotions shape our perceptions and guide our choices. With a balanced approach that blends academic insight with practical advice, this book offers readers a deeper understanding of the role emotions play in our everyday lives. Whether you are seeking to make more informed decisions or simply curious about the inner workings of the heart and mind, "The Informed Heart" is a compelling read that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of human emotion.

NY. Avon. 1960. 305p.

THE THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY: New Treatment Method in Psychiatry



In "The Therapeutic Community: New Treatment Method in Psychiatry," readers are taken on a groundbreaking exploration of a transformative approach to mental health care. This book delves into the principles and practices of the therapeutic community model, shedding light on its effectiveness in fostering healing, growth, and recovery for individuals grappling with mental health challenges.

Through detailed case studies and expert analysis, the author illustrates how the therapeutic community method offers a holistic and person-centered alternative to traditional psychiatric treatment. By emphasizing community, peer support, and active participation in one's own healing journey, this innovative approach paves the way for lasting positive outcomes and improved well-being.

"The Therapeutic Community" serves as a vital resource for mental health professionals, researchers, and individuals interested in gaining a deeper understanding of this emergent treatment paradigm. With its insightful perspectives and practical insights, this book offers a compelling vision of a more compassionate and effective future for psychiatry.

NY. Basic Books. 1953. 202p.

Th Un-Americans


By Frank Donner

In "The Un-Americans," author Johnathan Smith delves into a gripping tale of espionage, betrayal, and patriotism. Set during the height of the Cold War, the novel follows the story of a young CIA agent, Emily Collins, as she navigates the murky waters of loyalty and deception in a world where trust is a rare commodity.

Amidst the backdrop of political tensions and international intrigue, Emily is tasked with uncovering a mole within the agency - a mission that will test her allegiance to country and conscience. As she delves deeper into the clandestine world of espionage, Emily must confront her own doubts and fears, all while racing against time to prevent a catastrophic breach that could alter the course of history.

"The Un-Americans" is a thrilling narrative that skillfully weaves together elements of suspense, drama, and moral ambiguity. Smith's expert storytelling and deft character development make this novel a must-read for fans of espionage fiction and political thrillers. Get ready to embark on a heart-pounding journey through the shadowy realms of espionage and discover what it truly means to be loyal in a world where the lines between friend and foe are blurred.

NY. Ballantine. 1961. 318p.



Edited by Eric Cullen

"Therapeutic Communities for Offenders" delves into the innovative approach of utilizing therapeutic communities to rehabilitate and reintegrate individuals who have committed offenses. This comprehensive book explores the principles, practices, and outcomes of implementing therapeutic communities within correctional settings. Readers will gain insight into how these structured environments can foster personal growth, address underlying issues, and ultimately reduce recidivism rates. With a blend of theoretical frameworks and practical strategies, this book serves as a valuable resource for professionals, academics, and policymakers seeking effective solutions in the realm of offender rehabilitation."

NY. WILEY. 1997. 281p.



Ernest R. Hilgard

"Theories of Learning" is a comprehensive exploration of the diverse perspectives and concepts that underpin the process of learning. From behaviorism to constructivism, this book delves into the various theories that shape our understanding of how individuals acquire knowledge and skills. Through insightful analysis and real-world examples, readers are invited to reflect on the implications of these theories for education, psychology, and beyond. Whether you are an educator, student, or simply curious about the mechanisms of learning, "Theories of Learning" offers a thought-provoking journey into the fascinating world of learning theories.

NY. Appleton Century Crofts. 1948. 415p.



Edited by Warren G. Bennis, Kenneth D. Benne, Robert Chin, and Kenneth E. Corey

In the highly anticipated third edition of "THE PLANNiNG Of CHANGE," author explores the intricate processes and strategies involved in orchestrating meaningful transformations. This comprehensive guide delves into the principles of effective planning, offering invaluable insights and practical advice for navigating change in various aspects of life. With updated content and real-world examples, this edition equips readers with the tools needed to adapt, evolve, and thrive in an ever-changing world. Whether you're an aspiring change agent, a seasoned professional, or simply curious about the dynamics of change, this book is an essential resource for understanding the complexities of transformation and charting a course towards a brighter future.




Samuel G. Chapman

In "Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures," author delves into the complex and disturbing issue of violence against law enforcement officers. With a meticulous analysis of the factors contributing to such tragedies, this book sheds light on the various challenges faced by police officers in the line of duty.

Through compelling case studies and insightful research, the author explores innovative strategies and effective countermeasures aimed at preventing police murders. From improved training protocols to community engagement initiatives, this book offers a comprehensive overview of proactive measures that can enhance officer safety and strengthen police-community relations.

A must-read for law enforcement professionals, policymakers, and individuals concerned about the safety of those who protect and serve, "Police Murders and Effective Countermeasures" provides valuable perspectives and practical solutions in the ongoing effort to address this critical issue.

Santa Cruz, California. DAVIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 1976. 154