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Posts tagged gender rights
Polygamy, Bigamy and Human Rights Law

By Samuel Chapman

“Polygamy, Bigamy and Human Rights Law” focusses mainly on UK law, but has been cited in international research on polygamy, and referred to in the British Columbia Supreme Court in the 2010-11 Polygamy Reference Case in Canada, where the book was entered into evidence as an exhibit and relied upon both by those arguing for decriminalisation of polygamy, and those seeking to maintain polygamy as a criminal offence. The book considers the rights of growing ethnic, faith and religious minorities in a multi-cultural society as the law incorporates the European Convention of Human Rights into UK law. This is of international interest due to the important position of English Law in contributing to the development of the law in its former colonies and in Commonwealth countries. While the book focuses primarily on English Law, it is of particular relevance to the United States, Canada and other jurisdictions where leading decisions have been based in part on references to English Law.

Samuel Chapman. Xlibris.2011. 111p.

A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman: Mary Wollstonecraft

Edited by Carol H. Poston

FROM THE PREFACE: “In 1792 a book appeared in London which set out the claim, dramatically and classically, that true freedom necessitates the equality of women and men. Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was so provocative and popular that a second edition appearedin the same year, and Dublin, Paris, and American editions soon followed. The history of the subsequent editions of A Vindication of the Rights of Wcman closely parallels the vicissitudes of the women's movement: when feminism as a political cause comes to the fore, as it periodically does, Mary Wollstonecraft's work is one of the first to be reissued. Yet after nearly 175 years of republication and commentary, the book has never been annotated, nor has there been (save in the case of facsimile editions) an attempt to preserve Wollstonecraft's prose exactly as she wrote it…”

Norton. W.W. Norton. 1975. 248p. USED BOOK. MAY CONTAIN MARK-UP.

Extortion in Central America: Gender, Micro-Trafficking, and Panama

By Guillermo Vázquez del Mercado, Luis Félix, and Gerardo Carballo

Gangs and criminal organizations in Central America continue to seek means of adapting to COVID-19 while communities look to build resilience to its effects. The aim of this report is to contribute to the understanding of extortion in an evolving context as pandemic-related mobility restrictions are enforced and lifted in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama.

The report identifies the evolving role of women in gang schemes and dynamics; explores criminal structures in Panama and their relationship with extortion; and highlights trends among extortion practices as they shift to other criminal activities such as large-scale and local trafficking of cannabis and cocaine.

Geneva: Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2021. 19p.

Illegal Migration and Gender in a Global and Historical Perspective

Edited by Marlou Schrover, Joanne van der Leun, Leo Lucassen and Chris Quispel

Two issues come to the fore in current debates over migration: illegal migration and the role of gender in illegal migration. This incisive study combines the two subjects and views the migration scholarship through the lens of the gender perspective, investigating definitions of citizenship and the differences in mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion for men and women, producing a comprehensive account of illegal migration in Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, Mexico, Malaysia, the Horn of Africa and the Middle East over the nineteenth- and the twentieth centuries.

Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008. 196p.