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Posts tagged white slave trade
Horrors of the White Slave Trade

By Clifford Griffith Roe and B. S. Steadwell.

The mighty crusade to protect the purity of our homes. "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” ' That the truth may be known throughout the world con- cerning the traffic in girls and women, and that these poor fel- low beings may, through the knowledge of truth, be set free from bondage is the hope of the writers of this book. To protect the purity and sanctity of the home, to open the door of forgiveness to the prodigal daughter, as well as the prodigal son, to warn young womanhood against the snares of girl slave traders and to raise clean, honest manhood to the golden pinnacle of youth's ambition is the reason facts are here set forth often times unvarnished, ungilded and unpainted. Because in the past truth has been clothed in a mantle of mystery and facts have only been whispered in secret, traders in human souls have thrived and grown rich. These arch-enemies to society, the lowest of the lowly creatures on this earth, dwell in darkness; they welcome secrecy, ignorance and false modesty; they abhor light; they stifle truth and trample upon innocence. There is just one way to solve the social evil problem, and that is the way of education. A great campaign of education against the girl traffic, the blackest cloud overhanging civilization today, is under way in many countries. Education in the home, the school, the municipality, the state and the government.

London: Roe,1911. 490p.

The White Ticket

By Michael Stern.

Commercialized vice in the machine age, from the official records at the New York District attorney's office. Working part time for the Brooklyn district attorney’s office in the 1930s, Mr. Stern gathered evidence that was used to convict the organizers of a prostitution ring. This experience provided the material for his first book, “The White Ticket: Commercialized Vice in the Machine Age,” published in 1936.

New York: National Library Press, 1936. 255p.

The Great War on White Slavery

by Clifford Griffith Roe and B. S. Steadwell.

Or Fighting for the Protection of Our Girls. Truthful and chaste account op the hideous trade op buying and selling young girls for immoral purposes. startling disclosures made by white slaves during the trials of many pro- curers and traders. the cruel and inhuman treatment of white slaves. the astounding confession of a pander. graphic accounts of how white slaves are ensnared and a full exposi- tion of the methods and schemes used to lure and trap the girls. —also—Containing a Full Account of the Great Fight for the Suppression of White Slavery and the Great Movement for Purity in Our Homes.

London: Roe, 1911. 494p.

The White Slave Traffic in America

By O. EdwardJanney.

There seems to be need for a description of the white slave traffic in this country, and for some account of the movement that has arisen for its suppression, together with a discussion of the methods that may be employed to accomplish that end. There are multitudes of parents, teachers and other persons having charge of young people, who are unaware of the dangers that threaten young women through the adroit agents of this traffic. These need to be informed.

New York: National Vigilance Committee, 1911. 203p.

Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls

By Ernest A. Bell.

Or War on the White Slave Trade. “ A complete and detailed account of the shameless traffic in young girls, the methods by -which the procurers and panders lure innocent young girls away from home and sell them to keepers of dives. The magnitude of the organization and its workings. How to combat this hideous monster. How to save YOUR GIRL. How to save YOUR BOY. What you can do to help -wipe out this curse of humanity. A book designed to awaken the sleeping and protect the innocent.”

Chicago: G.S. Ball, 1910. 482p.

The Girl That Disappears: the real facts about the white slave traffic

By Theo. A. Bingham.

 This story is one of many that could be told to illustrate the sin- ister fact that every year thousands of young girls disappear from their homes in the cities or go from the small towns to the cities and drop out forever from all knowledge of their families. What becomes of them? Where do they go? Why do they go ? Into whose hands do they fall ? Some of them go down to nameless graves, but more go to a fate infinitely worse. What that fate is we all know, in a vague way at least; but, unfortunately, few of us are willing to realize that the thing is of any real concern to us personally. Not because we are heartless or cold or selfish do we Americans ignore the fact that we have a terrible social problem at our doors. No; our unwillingness to look the facts squarely in the face is due solely to inherited Puritanism. We have allowed ourselves to become con- vinced that we are morally superior to the people of Europe. Our belief in our superior purity is founded on ignorance or hypocrisy. We have made laws saying that the social evil shall not exist. Then we thoroughly blindfold ourselves and raise our hands in horror at any mention of the subject. The plain, shocking facts are that this American attitude encourages the growth and spread of vice. It makes it possible for a girl to disappear from your town, from your own neighborhood, and be drawn into the net of the underworld. And until we overcome our timidity and hypocrisy and go after the situation frankly, vigorously, and openly, the social evil will continue to grow. It thrives on secrecy and hypocrisy. classic reprint. Boston: R.G. Badger, 1913. 87p.