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(Re)thinking 'Gangs'

By Claire Alexander

. In scrutinizing the discourse on ‘gangs’ in media reports and speeches made by politicians, the author demonstrates that the racialization of gun and knife-enabled crime is the consequence of casual labelling. Referring to a speech by Tony Blair in February 2007, in which he uses words ‘black kids’, ‘gangs’, ‘criminal cultures’ and ‘the black community’, the author shows how it effectively ‘serves to collectivize the problem as one specific to, arising from and potentially encompassing, the black community as a whole’. …Targeting gangs and using civil injunctions will perpetuate the problem by drawing more young black people into the justice system. This is happening while the over-representation of young black people in the criminal justice system and experiences of disadvantage and discrimination in other areas remains to be addressed. … There are better ways of dealing with it: involving young people from under-privileged groups in positive activities from an early age, supporting parents with limited resources and supervising and supporting young offenders caught up in the criminal justice system

London: Runnymede Trust, 2008. 24p.