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Posts tagged prison labor
Auburn, N.Y.

By D. Morris Kurtz

Its Facilities and Resources. For reasons of their own, the publishers have been pleased to omit the sketches relating to the large axle manufactories of Sheldon & Co., in the Auburn Prison and on Sheldon Avenue ; the shoe manufactories of Dunn, Barber & Co., in the Auburn Prison and on Garden street ; the hollow ware manufactory of Jones & Merritt, Auburn Prison ; the hame manufactory of Hayden & Boyd, Auburn Prison, and several smaller concerns (manufacturing and mercantile), for which I can only express sorrow.

Kurtz publishing (1884) 159p.

State Penitentiary at Philadelphia

By Richard Vaux.

Origin and History for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. “Those who are earnestly enquiring after the best system of punishment for criminals will find that the vital question to be determined, is to ascertain that system which best secures punishment, reforms the individual, protects society, and prevents the existence of a criminal class, educated and organized during imprisonment. This is the serious, the primary question which is paramount to “cost," " support” and profit “making," those minor subjects, which too frequently receive undue attention in discussing systems of punishment.”

Phila. McLaughlin (1872) 162p.