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Posts in Criminal Justice Reform
Fake News, Real Policy: Combatting Fear and Misinformation in Criminal Justice

By Emily Mooney and Casey Witte

  Over 50 years ago, President Richard Nixon kindled a fire of fear by claiming drug addiction was a rampant problem among white, well-to-do teens. During a 1969 speech to governors across the nation, President Nixon remarked:

There has been sort of a general thought that so far as drugs were concerned, we find them in the ghettos, among the deprived, those who are depressed and turn to drugs as a last resort. That may have once been the case. It is not the case today. The primary use, as far as drugs are concerned, has moved to the upper middle class…

No longer seen as a problem simply relegated to the inner city, Republican and Democrat policymakers enacted policies which attempted to save youth from the perils of marijuana and narcotics by further criminalizing drug use and sales. Yet, while both urban Black leaders and suburban whites supported these changes, the former group did not benefit from investments in efforts to address the root causes of addiction—poverty, trauma and poor educational opportunities, among them—for which they advocated.

Much of the War on Drugs was based on misinformation and fear. Drug users and sellers in America’s urban centers were seen as sources of corruption—their incarceration necessary to prevent more addiction and crime. However, research suggests increased criminal penalties and other policy efforts to fight illicit drug use have had little effectiveness. Indeed, many American youth continue to use illicit drugs at high rates. And while some research suggests marijuana use may bring some harmful side effects, its role as a “gateway” drug to more addictive substances like heroin and cocaine was largely over-stated. For instance, at least one recent study suggests that the legalization of marijuana has not been marked with an increase in the use of harder substances.

Currently, opportunities for and examples of misinformation and fear-mongering within the criminal justice system are bountiful. The United States is facing a global health crisis and struggling to productively address long-standing issues of racial injustice. In the first half of 2020, our nation continued to see property crime and most forms of violent crime decrease, while murder and nonnegligent manslaughter rates (although historically still low) rose by nearly 15 percent when compared to the first half of 2019, while aggravated assaults rose by about 5 percent.8 Although still one of the most crime-free times in our nation’s history, many have been quick to blame this increase on policy changes, such early prison releases due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and civil unrest. Yet, as experts have pointed out, the intersecting forces of a global pandemic, economic recession, racial unrest and nationwide protests mean it will take more time, data and intentional analysis to decipher the causal mechanisms of any current crime trends.

In both the past and present, it has been easy for criminal justice policy to be driven by fear and emotional policymaking rather than a sober assessment of the facts. This occurs for somewhat natural reasons, as the consequences of criminal justice policy failures can appear more immediate and visceral: the potential for the death of a loved one, lost property or abuse are far more tangible concepts than cybersecurity threats or green energy. This is likely, at least in part, due to human memory—research shows experiences and events tied to strong emotions are more memorable than less dramatic or weighted incidents. Further, policy success is often measured by recidivism—a zero-sum measure of an individual’s return to crime—rather than other metrics which show incremental progress. On top of this, the media, more often than not, focuses on policy failures rather than policy successes.

Yet, fear-based and emotionally-driven policy debates and policymaking are a disservice to the American public. Policymakers and the public may incorrectly deduce or be blind to the collateral consequences of their policies and are prone to letting biases impact their decision-making. As a result, the same problems remain, which cost life, property and liberty in the process.

This paper seeks to address this trend by first examining the relationships between fear, misinformation and policy and then providing illustrative examples of modern criminal justice myths alongside the evidence stacked against them. It will then conclude with a short list of policy solutions to combat misinformation and fear-mongering in criminal justice policy.


Washington, DC: R Street, 2020. 14p.

Trends in Mental Health and Criminal Justice State Policy

By Samira Schreiber, Stephanie Pasternak and Kathryn Gilley, with contributions from Shannon Scully, Jessica Tornabene and Hannah Wesolowski.

   People with mental illness are disproportionately represented in our nation’s criminal justice system. About two in five people who are incarcerated have a history of mental illness.This is twice the prevalence of mental illness within the overall population. These numbers represent real people that our mental health system has failed. Fortunately, we know that diversion from the criminal justice system is possible, and NAMI believes that people with mental illness should be diverted at every possible opportunity and be connected to mental health care. One of the best tools for understanding how communities can divert individuals with mental health and substance use conditions away from criminal justice system involvement is the Sequential Intercept Model (often referred to as SIM).  

  Arlington, VA: NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2024. 28p.

Mapping Cannabis Social Equity: Understanding How Ohio Compares to Other States' Post-Legalization Policies to Redress Past Harms

By  Jana Hrdinova and Dexter Ridgway

On November 7, 2023, Ohio became the 24th state in the nation to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use. Following the lead of other states, the Ohio ballot initiative included social equity provisions designed to address past harm of marijuana criminalization by investing in disproportionately impacted communities and encouraging participation of such groups in the new legal cannabis industry. The purpose of this report is to highlight the varying strategies other states have deployed to fulfill social equity goals and to look at how Ohio’s new laws compare to others. In this report, we look at three social equity policy areas in greater detail, starting with criminal justice reform, followed by community reinvestment, and industry participation. Additionally, we also provide detailed information on the criteria states have used to determine individual and community eligibility for participating in their social equity programs. We conclude the report with recommendations for greater data collection and analyses concerning the impact of social equity efforts and a more robust assessment of best practices for social equity programs.

Drug Enforcement and Policy Center. January 2024, 31pg