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Posts tagged Social justice
Gender and Justice: Violence, Intimacy, and Community in Fin-de-Siécle Paris

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By Eliza Earle Ferguson

Crimes of Passion: The book explores how crimes of passion,particularly those involving intimate violence, were understood and treated in fin-de-siècle Paris. These acts were often seen as love stories gone wrong and were frequently acquitted.

Gender Dynamics: It highlights the gendered nature of intimate violence, showing how men and women experienced and justified violence differently, often influenced by societal norms and economic conditions.

Community and Legal Interactions: The document discusses the role of community networks and the legal system in addressing intimate violence, revealing tensions between local knowledge and state power.

Historical Context: The book situates these issues within the broader social and cultural context of 19th-century Paris, providing a detailed analysis of how intimate violence intersected with gender, class, and urban life.

JHU Press, Mar 19, 2010, 268 pages

White Collar Crime

By Edwin H. Sutherland

Impact on Criminology: The book has significantly influenced criminological thought, leading to extended discussions and research on white collar crime.

White Collar Crime Definition: Sutherland argues that white collar crime is a violation of criminal law and must be considered in criminological theories

Social Impact: White collar crimes create distrust and social disorganization, affecting social morale more than ordinary crimes.

Research and References: The document includes numerous references to studies and articles that support the book's findings and arguments.

Yale University Press, 1983, 272 pages