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Posts tagged burning at the stake

By Desmond Seward

From the Preface: “In the priory of San Marco at Florence there is a painting by an unknown artist of an execution ni the city's Piazza della Signoria. Dating from about 1500, scarcely more than folk art, the painting has a disturbing quality that for me verges on the sinister reminiscent of the irrational fear felt when reading ghost stories. Clearly the work of an eyewitness, it tells a tale ni three parts. First, three figures in long white shirts kneel before a group of dignitaries; next, each figure flanked by men in black hoods, they are led down a timber platform to a gibbet in the middle ot the Piazza; finally, they hang in chains over a great fire - the executioners are bringing faggots to make the flames burn higher. Some of the spectators in the scene look on with fascination, others run away in dismay. Such a death in so beautiful a setting seems peculiarly cruel and unnatural; but it was this painting, supplizio del Savonarola, that made me want to know more.”

London. Sutton Publishing. 2006. 332p.

Savonarola: His Life and Times

By Willam Clarke

From The Preface: The life and character of Savonarola Haw have been rightly supposed to present great difficulties in the historian.. From the day of his death – nay, morefrom the day of his power in Florence— up to our own times, opinions of the most diverse kind have been entertained…. The supporters of despotism, ecclesiastical and civil, have cherished a feeling of bitter enmity against the man who had such an ardent love of liberty; and they have joined the prophets of scepticism, who have had nothing but contempt and hatred for one who was so powerful a witness for religion and God. ..According to the sceptic style, he was a ridiculous and base imposter, who richly deserved the fate that befell him …

Chicago. A. C. MCCLURG & Co. I900. 342p.