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Posts tagged history of criminal justice
Fictions of Evidence: Witnessing, Literature, and Community in the Late Middle Ages

By Jamie K. Taylor.  

Throughout the Middle Ages, witnessing was a crucial way religious and legal “truths” were understood and produced. Religious and secular officials alike harnessed the power of testimony to assert doctrinal, political, or legal responsibilities. Swearing an oath, testifying in court, and signing a deposition were common ways to shape and discipline both devotional and legal communities. In Fictions of Evidence: Witnessing, Literature, and Community in the Late Middle Ages, Jamie K. Taylor traces depictions of witnessing in a wide range of late medieval texts and shows how witnessing practices formed and reformed, policed and challenged medieval communities. Through close study of texts like the Man of Law’s Tale and Piers Plowman alongside sermon exempla, common law statutes, and pastoral treatises, Fictions of Evidence argues that devotional and legal witnessing practices offered medieval writers a distinct vocabulary they could use to expose how the ethical and legal obligations to one’s community were constructed. And since vernacular writers often challenged the ways ecclesiastical or secular authorities asserted community bonds, they found they could use those same witnessing practices and language to imagine extra-legal or extra-ecclesiastical communities that followed different ethical codes.

Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 2013. 232p

On The Witness Stand

By Hugo Munsterberg.

A pioneering treatise of applied psychology that examines the mind of the witness on the witness stand, noting that the field was (at that time) “absurdly neglected.” Topics ranged from the memory of the witness, detection of crime, untrue confessions, hypnotism and prevention of crime.

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1908) 269 pages.

Public Justice and the Criminal Trial in Late Medieval Italy

By Joanna Carraway Vitiello.

Reggio Emilia in the Visconti Age. “Medieval public justice was characterized by its inherent tensions: tensions between a system designed for crime control and a society accustomed to self-help, and tensions between an ideal of public justice and a culture of private retribution. Criminal jurisdiction served as a primary marker of political authority, and the late medieval criminal court became a nexus of power at many levels—signorial, communal, and judicial. It was also a place where the lives of people from all walks of life came into direct contact with the results of the high medieval legal revolution, which yielded inquisition procedure. In the late middle ages, the dynamic created by these fundamental tensions would transform the history of criminal justice.”

Brill (2016) 232p.

The Forgotten Army

By Charity Organization Society of the City.

Six Years' Work of the Committee on Criminal Courts of the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York, 1911-1917: A story of its work for the clean, intelligent and kindly administration of our Inferior Criminal Courts.

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1918) 58 pages.

Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society

Edited by Hans-W. Micklitz, Oreste Pollicino , Amnon Reichman, Andrea Simoncini , Giovanni Sartor, and Giovanni de Gregorio.

“ the rise of the bureaucratic state, the technologies for infringing liberty or equality were thought to be containable by the exercise of concrete judicial review… . In recent years, however, the rise of the algorithmic society has led to a paradigmatic change where the public power is no longer the only source of concern for the respect of fundamental rights and the protection of democracy, where jurisdictional boundaries are in flux, and where doctrines and procedures developed in the pre-cybernetic age do not necessarily capture rights violations in a relevant time frame.”

Cambridge University Press. (2021) 300 pages.

Justice and the Child

By Douglas Pepler.

“But these enactments are Of little value unless supported by public opinion and executed according to the spirit rather than the letter of the law. There are a few towns where it is determined that no effort Shall be spared to give a lad a new chance, where it is realised that the first Offence will not be the last unless there is skilled intervention by the right sort of person. Where the effort is made it can always be traced to the interest of one person in the fate of one child. The work cannot develop except on that foundation, it cannot exist except there be this personal desire among men to seek and save that which appears to be lost.”

London: Constable, 1915. 163p.

Children's courts in the United States their origin, development, and results.

International Penal and Prison Commission

“If the question be asked, What is the most notable development in judicial principles and methods in the United States within the last five years? 'the answer may unhesitatingly be, The introduction and establishment of juvenile courts. Never perhaps has any judicial reform made such rapid progress. Beginning in Chicago in 1899, this institution has sprung up in city after city and State after State until it is now established in eight States and eleven large cities.”

A Read-Me.Org Classic Reprint. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1904. 203p.

Crime, Abnormal Minds and the Law

By Ernest Bryant Hoag and Edward Huntington Williams

. “In presenting this book to the public the authors have in mind the need for brief but accurate account of the common mental defects and sociological factors encountered in study of adult criminals, and of delinquent children. From an extensive experience in criminological work, including the psychopathic laboratory and much expert testimony in court, they are convinced that many judges, lawyers, police officials and doctors will welcome the sort of information which is here given. They also have in mind the needs of social service workers, teachers, and students of sociology, and last, but not least, certain part of the general public, which is asking almost in vain for the explanation of the criminal and delinquent behavior which today, more than ever before, presents itself in every large community. The authors have not pretended to offer anything new to experts in the study of abnormal behavior, yet they hope that even some of these will find the case-histories, at least, interesting and perhaps valuable.”

Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1923. 405p.

Enquiry Concerning Political Justice

By William Godwin

…and Its Influence on Morals and Happiness. 4th ed.. in 2 Volumes. Vol. l. Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and its Influence on Morals and Happiness is a 1793 book by the philosopher William Godwin, in which the author outlines his political philosophy. It is the first modern work to expound anarchism.

London: J. Watson, 1912. 244p.

On the Witness Stand

By Hugo Munsterberg.

Essays on Psychology and Crime. “There are about fifty psychological laboratories in the United States alone. The average educated man has hitherto not noticed this. If he chances to hear of such places, he fancies that they serve for mental healing, or telepathic mysteries, or spiritistic performances. What else can a laboratory have to do with the mind? Has not the soul been for two thousand years the domain of the philosopher? What has psychology to do with electric batteries and intricate machines? Too often have I read such questions in the faces of visiting friends who came to the Harvard Psychological Laboratory in Emerson Hall and found, with surprise, twenty-seven rooms over spun with electric wires and filled with chronoscopes and kymographs and tachistoscopes and ergographs, and a mechanic busy at his work.”

New York: Doubleday, 1908. 269p.

Cicero's Law

Edited by Paul J. du Plessis.

This volume brings together an international team of scholars to debate Cicero's role in the narrative of Roman law in the late Republic – a role that has been minimised or overlooked in previous scholarship. This reflects current research that opens a larger and more complex debate about the nature of law and of the legal profession in the last century of the Roman Republic.

University of Edinburgh Press (2018) 253 pages.

Criminal Responsibility and Social Restraint

Ray Madding McConnell.

“ Among the most expensive functions of government is that which is concerned with the detection, arrest, trial, and punishment of criminals. The expenditures in connection with police, courts, and prisons exceed in amount the outlay for the conservation and improvement of health, the necessities and conveniences of travel and intercourse, highways, parks, and playgrounds, and about equal the costs of education. When any one begins to philosophize about the raison d'etre of this enormously expensive arrangement for dealing with crime and criminals, he naturally asks first for its purpose, What is the object of it all? What kind of return does this investment bring in?”

NY. Charles Scribner’s (1912) 337 pages.

In Jail with Charles Dickens

By Alfred Trumble, editor of “the collector”.

“…Charles Dickens had a deep and abiding interest in that grim accessory to civilization, the prison. He not only went jail hunting whenever opportunity offered, but made a profound study of the rules, practices and abuses of these institutions. Penology was, in fact, one of his hobbies…These papers, therefore, consist of personal knowledge, as a voluntary visitor, be it understood, of Newgate.”

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. London Suckling & Galloway (1896) 107 pages.