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Posts tagged family dynamics
Wayward Youth


August Aichhorn

Wayward Youth by August Aichhorn delves into the complexities of working with troubled youth in a compassionate and insightful manner. Aichhorn, a renowned Austrian psychoanalyst, draws from his extensive experience to explore the psychological roots of delinquent behavior in adolescents. Through compelling case studies and thoughtful analysis, he sheds light on the inner struggles of young individuals caught in the throes of rebellion and defiance.

With empathy and wisdom, Aichhorn navigates the turbulent waters of adolescence, offering a fresh perspective on how society can better understand and support its wayward youth. Wayward Youth is a compelling read for anyone interested in the intersection of psychology, social work, and juvenile delinquency.

NY. Meridian Books. 1931. 193p

Broken Homes and Crime. Differential effects of parental separation, parental decease, and being born to a single parent on the criminal involvement in offspring

By Janique Kroese.

The aim of this dissertation is to assess the effect of growing up in a single-parent family during childhood and adolescence on adolescents’ involvement in delinquency. More specifically, it investigates whether different types of single-parent families have different effects, and whether these effects depend on parental involvement in crime.

Amsterdam: Free University of Amsterdam, 2022. 204p.