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Posts tagged enlightenment theory
Social Organization, the Science of Man and Other Writings


BY HENRI DE SAINT-SIMON. Edited and Translated with an Introduction by FELIX MARKHAM

In this thought-provoking collection of writings by Henri de Saint-Simon, readers are taken on a journey through the fundamental principles of social organization and the science of man. Edited and translated by Felix Markham, this book offers a deep dive into Saint-Simon's pioneering ideas on sociology, economics, and politics. Saint-Simon's insights remain relevant today, making this book a must-read for those interested in understanding the complexities of society and human behavior. Felix Markham's introduction provides valuable context, making this edition an essential addition to any academic or personal library.


The New Atlantis

By Francis Bacon.

From the Introduction: “None of Bacon's writings gives in short apace so vivid a picture of his tastes and aspirations as this fragment of the plan of an ideal commonwealth. The generosity and enlightenment, the dignity and splendor, the piety and public spirit, of the inhabitants of Bensalem represent the ideal qualities which Bacon the statesman desired rather than hoped to see characteristic of his own country; and in Solomon's House we have Bacon the scientist indulging without restriction his prophetic vision of the future of human knowledge. No reader acquainted in any degree with the processes and results of modern scientific inquiry can fail to be struck by the numerous approximations made by Bacon's imagination to the actual achievements of modern times.”

London Rowley (1627) 37p.