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Posts tagged education
The School and Society


By John Dewey

"The School and Society" by John Dewey delves into the fundamental principles of education and its essential role in shaping society. Originally published in 1899, Dewey's insights remain relevant as ever, advocating for a holistic approach to education that goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries. Dewey challenges the conventional wisdom of his time, emphasizing the importance of experiential learning, active participation, and the integration of education with societal needs. This book serves as a timeless manifesto for reimagining the purpose and practice of education to cultivate engaged, thoughtful citizens in a rapidly evolving world.

Project Gutenberg. University of Chicago press. 1900. 59p.




TALKS TO TEACHERS ON PSYCHOLOGY: AND TO STUDENTS ON SOME OF LIFE'S IDEALS provides timeless insights from the renowned psychologist William James. In this illuminating collection, James shares his profound thoughts on the nature of education and the pursuit of personal growth. Addressing both educators and students, he delves into the complexities of human behavior, the essence of learning, and the cultivation of inner virtues. With a blend of intellectual rigor and practical wisdom, James offers a guiding light for all those engaged in the noble endeavor of teaching and learning. This book serves as a treasure trove of knowledge, inspiring readers to reflect on the fundamental principles that shape our understanding of the mind and spirit.

NY. HOLT AND COMPANY. 1925. 80p.

Psychology and social practice


John Dewey

Psychology and social practice according to DEWEY are intricately intertwined, with each influencing and shaping the other. DEWEY believed that understanding human behavior and thought processes is crucial in creating meaningful societal change. By examining how individuals perceive and interact with their environment, psychologists can help identify and address social issues at their roots. DEWEY emphasized the importance of integrating psychological insights into social practices to promote collective well-being and societal progress. This holistic approach highlights the interconnectedness of human experiences and the significance of considering both individual and societal factors in addressing complex challenges.

Chicago, Chicago University. 1901. 22p.


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Democracy and Education, written by influential American philosopher and educator John Dewey, is a seminal work that explores the relationship between education and democratic society. Originally published in 1916, Dewey's insights remain relevant today as we navigate the complexities of modern education systems and democratic governance.

In this thought-provoking book, Dewey argues that education is not simply a preparation for future life but an essential component of the democratic process itself. He highlights the importance of fostering critical thinking, creativity, and experiential learning in order to cultivate active and engaged citizens who can contribute meaningfully to society.

Through his exploration of the principles of democracy and their connections to education, Dewey offers a compelling vision of how schools can serve as laboratories for democracy, where young people learn to participate in a democratic community and practice the skills necessary for a vibrant civic life.

Democracy and Education is a timeless classic that continues to inspire educators, policymakers, and anyone interested in the intersection of democracy, education, and social progress.

Simon and Schuster, 1997, 378 pages

The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications

Edited by Joel Busher and Lee Jerome

This open access book explores the enactment, impact and implications of the Prevent Duty across a range of educational contexts. In July 2015 the UK became the first country to place a specific legal requirement on those working in education to contribute to efforts to ‘prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. Drawing on extensive research with staff, children and young people, the editors and contributors provide new insight into how this high-profile – and highly contentious – policy has shaped educational practice in Britain today. It will be a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers and others interested in the design, implementation and on-the-ground effects of Prevent or similar programmes internationally that place education at the heart of efforts to prevent or counter violent extremism.

Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. 180p.

Breaking Schools' Rules: A Statewide Study of How School Discipline Relates to Students’ Success and Juvenile Justice Involvement

By Tony Fabelo, Michael D. Thompson, Martha Plotkin, Dottie Carmichael, Miner P. Marchbanks III, and Eric A. Booth

This report describes the results of an extraordinary analysis of millions of school and juvenile justice records in Texas. It was conducted to improve policymakers’ understanding of who is suspended and expelled from public secondary schools, and the impact of those removals on students’ academic performance and juvenile justice system involvement. Like other states, school suspensions—and, to a lesser degree, expulsions—have become relatively common in Texas. For this reason and because Texas has the second largest public school system in the nation (where nonwhite children make up nearly two-thirds of the student population), this study’s findings have significance for—and relevance to—states across the country. Several aspects of the study make it groundbreaking. First, the research team did not rely on a sample of students, but instead examined individual school records and school campus data pertaining to all seventh-grade public school students in Texas in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Second, the analysis of each grade’s student records covered at least a six-year period, creating a statewide longitudinal study. Third, access to the state juvenile justice database allowed the researchers to learn about the school disciplinary history of youth who had juvenile records. Fourth, the study group size and rich datasets from the education and juvenile justice systems made it possible to conduct multivariate analyses. Using this approach, the researchers could control for more than 80 variables, effectively isolating the impact that independent factors had on the likelihood of a student’s being suspended and expelled, and on the relationship between these disciplinary actions and a student’s academic performance or juvenile justice involvement.

New York: The Council of State Governments Justice Center, 2011. 124p.

Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates

By Robert A. Fein; Bryan Vossekuil; William S. Pollack; Randy Borum; William Modzeleski; Marisa Reddy

This document, Threat Assessment in Schools: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates, takes these findings one step further by setting forth a process for identifying, assessing, and managing students who may pose a threat of targeted violence in schools. This process–known as threat assessment–was first pioneered by the U.S. Secret Service as a mechanism for investigating threats against the president of the United States and other protected officials. The Secret Service threat assessment approach was developed based upon findings from an earlier Secret Service study on assassinations and attacks of public officials and public figures.

Washington, DC: United States Secret Service and United States Department of Education, 2004. 98p.

Against Sex Education

By Caitlin Howlett.

Pedagogy, Sex Work, and State Violence. Why do we have sex education? For whom does it exist, and who is it against? This book explores these questions, ultimately calling into question the very existence of sex education itself. The analysis is centred on the marginalised lives of sex workers. This focus allows us to see sex education and sex work in a new light and provides insights into the implications of sex education in public schools and teacher education. By considering the relationship between sex education and sex work, Caitlin Howlett reveals the way in which sex education exists as a form of state violence, and continues to maintain close ties to sexism, racism, colonialism, and capitalism. Drawing on Foucauldian genealogy, feminist history, epistemology, post-humanism, and queer of color critique, Howlett calls for an end to sex education as a federally funded project and argues for new pedagogical approaches to educating about sex, gender, and sexuality in schools.

Bloomsbury Academic (2021) 185 pages.

Talks to Teachers

By William James..

In "Talks to Teachers," published in 1899, psychologist William James shares insights on the art of teaching drawn from his lectures at Harvard University. James explores the complexities of education, emphasizing the importance of engaging students' minds and emotions to foster meaningful learning experiences. With a blend of practical advice and philosophical reflections, this book continues to inspire educators to reflect on their teaching practices and cultivate a more holistic approach to education.

Cambridge. Harvard. (1899) 301 pages.