Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: An Experiment — Read-Me.Org -All Free
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Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: An Experiment

By Walter Cade Reckless and Simon Dinitz. Chiefly based on a report of the Ohio State University Research Foundation to the National Institute of Mental Health, May 31, 1970. “The disintegration of the social and familial roles that children see for themselves, and the alienating effects that are the inevitable accompaniments of the increased mobility and fluidity that mark our society, are the major causes of delinquency and crime in the United States today. The prevention of juvenile delinquency must be tied, therefore, to an effort to overcome this critical lack of a role structure to which young people perceive themselves as belonging, and to reverse the present trend toward alienation and revolt.”

Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1972. 253p.