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Broadband Communications Prioritization and Interoperability Guidance for Law Enforcement

By by Bob Harrison, James Dimarogonas, Jarrett Catlin, Richard H. Donohue, Thomas Goughnour, John S. Hollywood, Jason Mastbaum, Kristin Van Abel, Jay Balagna

In 2018, law enforcement agencies gained access to a federally funded and managed, interoperable first responder broadband communications network, the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN), known as FirstNet. FirstNet was supposed to result in simple solutions for agencies seeking interoperability. For various reasons, this has not happened. Every law enforcement and first responder agency has legacy systems and equipment for mobile broadband uses and is faced with a complex set of decisions about its broadband communications infrastructure. Several competitors to FirstNet have emerged and are competing for a share of the public safety broadband market, causing confusion for end users. In addition, to make decisions regarding broadband communications systems, many agencies need assistance to understand the technical differences between various options.

RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, Calif. 2022. 110p.