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Is Cape Town’s Drop In Business Robbery A Cause For Concern?

By Vanya Gastrow

A fall in business robberies over the past decade could indicate rising levels of extortion and organised crime.


South Africa is a country plagued by violent crime. Media headlines of murders, kidnappings and sexual violence are backed up by the country’s crime data. The Institute for Security Studies’ (ISS) recent call for policing reforms describes how the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) track record has measurably declined since 2012, with crimes such as murder increasing and public perceptions of safety falling.


But in Cape Town, one form of violent crime is bucking this trend and showing a consistent and significant decline. Business robberies, which initially rose in the early 2000s, have been falling markedly over the past decade, as reflected by ISS Crime Hub data.


Business robberies differ from crimes such as burglary because they entail violence or the threat thereof. In Cape Town, business robberies started increasing in 2006 when reported cases surged from 99 to 1 656 cases in 2014/15. This crime wave comprised an increase of well over 1 000% in a decade.


In this article, Vanya Gastrow explores the decline in business robberies in Cape Town over the past decade, suggesting that this trend may indicate a rise in extortion and organised crime rather than an actual decrease in violent crime.

Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2024. 5p.

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From Research to Action to Successful Outcomes. Transforming Local Approaches to Probation with the Reducing Revocations Challenge

By Emily West, Victoria Lawson, Pavithra Nagarajan  Daphne Moraga

Probation is by far the largest form of correctional control in the United States, and a leading cause of incarceration. Despite the widespread use of probation as a method of correctional control, historically little has been known about the drivers of probation violations and how to meaningfully improve outcomes for those under supervision while maintaining community safety. It was against this backdrop that CUNY ISLG launched the Reducing Revocations Challenge (RRC) in 2019, with support from Arnold Ventures.

The RRC aimed to fill the void of information on drivers of revocation through in-depth, mixed-method research, which was conducted in 10 counties during Phase I; in Phase II the findings were put into action with innovative strategies to improve probation outcomes and equity in a subset of those sites: Monroe County, IN; Pima County, AZ; Ramsey County, MN; and Santa Cruz County, CA.

This report documents Phase II and the lessons learned from the RRC for cities and counties seeking to implement similar reforms, and the accompanying policy brief describes the action research model employed in the initiative.

New York: CUNY Institute for State & Local Governance, 20242024. 39p.

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The Impact of Intimate Partner Violence on Homelessness and Returns to Housing: A Qualitative Analysis From the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness

By Anita S. Hargrave, Kelly R. Knight, Zena K. Dhatt, Grace Taylor, Dez Martinez and Margot Kushel

Homelessness is a public health concern in California and throughout the United States. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a risk factor for experiencing homelessness. Few studies have examined the interplay between IPV, homelessness, and housing. Qualitative methods can provide a greater understanding of the lived experience of IPV and homelessness to identify potential solutions. We purposefully sampled 104 adults who reported experiencing IPV in the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness (CASPEH), a representative, mixed-methods study. We administered semi-structured interviews focusing on IPV and six other topic areas pertaining to homelessness from October 2021 to May 2022. We created and applied a codebook with a multidisciplinary team using a hybrid of deductive and inductive logic. Our analysis included all participants who discussed IPV and homelessness across the seven studies. We conducted a thematic analysis using an interpretivist approach and informed by grounded theory. We found that violence within a partnership was multidimensional (physical, sexual, emotional, and financial) and bidirectional. We identified six themes: (1) IPV precipitated and prolonged homelessness; (2) Need for housing, financial stability, and material resources influenced staying in abusive relationships; (3) Alcohol and illicit substance use exacerbated violence between partners; (4) Participants struggled to find resources in domestic violence (DV) shelters; (5) The healthcare system did not provide substantial support; and (6) discrimination and stigma influenced equitable access to housing and DV resources. Experiencing IPV contributed to homelessness and impeded returns to housing. Limitations in current IPV resources impede care. We propose equitable expansion of survivor-centered services that improve access to long-term subsidized housing, prevent IPV and homelessness with flexible funding options, and facilitate rapid exits from homelessness through trauma-informed, non-congregate shelter that transitions to permanent housing.

Journal of Interpersonal Violence 0 0:0 2024. Online before print.

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“Like Patchwork” : Ecuador’s Slow Progress Tackling and Preventing School-Related Sexual Violence

By Human Rights WatchNew

In Ecuador, sexual violence is endemic in schools, and survivors face an uphill battle to finding support and accessing justice. In 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled against Ecuador in Paola Guzmán Albarracín v Ecuador, the court’s first ever case on school-related sexual violence. The Court ordered Ecuador to improve prevention of and response to sexual violence in schools, and to ensure access to justice and comprehensive reparations. “Like Patchwork”: Ecuador’s Slow Progress Tackling and Preventing School-Related Sexual Violence examines the progress the Ecuadorian government has made toward tackling sexual violence in schools, including the measures the government has adopted to comply with the Inter-American court’s ruling. Based on 68 interviews between 2022 and 2024, the report finds that despite commitments by government institutions, sexual violence remains endemic in Ecuador’s schools. Ecuador reports thousands of cases of school-related sexual violence perpetrated by teachers, directors, other school staff, janitors, bus drivers, and often students. Many schools still fail to report abuses, contravening their obligations. Survivors also face obstacles in the judicial system. Barriers to carrying out robust investigations and effective prosecutions of cases of school-based sexual violence obstruct survivors’ ability to find justice, contribute to their re-traumatization, and lead to impunity for perpetrators. Human Rights Watch calls on the Ecuadorian government to effectively tackle and prevHunt sexual violence against students. It should also ensure effective investigations and prosecutions of all cases of school-related sexual violence, so survivors can find justice and reparations for the abuses they have suffered. 

New York:  Human Rights WAtch, 2024. 65p.

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How the Firearms Industry and NRA Market Guns to Communities of Color

By Violence Policy Center

   Since the mid-1960s, self-defense has been the foundational argument used by the gun industry to sell firearms, primarily handguns, in the United States. In this effort, gunmakers have been aided by the gun lobby, most notably the National Rifle Association of America (NRA). This is despite the fact that evidence consistently shows that guns are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes. Instead of protecting its owner, family, and friends, the presence of a gun in the home actually increases the risk of suicide, homicide, and unintentional death. Historically, the primary demographic targeted by the gun industry has been white males. This is now changing as the result of the fact that this traditional customer base is aging and dying off and gunmakers, to paraphrase a tobacco industry term, have failed to recruit a sufficient number of ‘replacement shooters’ to fill their thinning ranks. As a result, household and individual gun ownership over the past few decades in the United States have declined significantly and remain relatively stagnant. While children and women have been the default targets of the industry in the wake of stagnation of the white male market, there has also been a growing focus on marketing guns, primarily for self-defense, to Latinos, Blacks, and other minority groups in America. And there is no reason to believe that the real-world impact of gun ownership on newly minted Black and Brown gun owners will be any different than their white predecessors — increased risk of death and injury in suicides, homicides, and fatal unintentional injuries. What is different is that these communities are already disproportionately impacted by lethal firearms violence and that increased gun ownership can only increase death and injury among them. Historically, Blacks and Latinos in the United States have relatively low rates of gun ownership. Yet, the majority of both Blacks and Latinos, like most Americans, falsely believe “that a gun in the home is much more likely to be used to protect, rather than harm, members of the household.” One survey found that 75  percent of Blacks and 73 percent of Latinos felt that it was more likely that a gun would be “used to protect members of the home.” Only 18 percent of Blacks and 22 percent of Latinos felt that it would be more likely that the gun would be “used to harm someone in the home, either accidentally or on purpose.” This is despite the fact that guns, in any hands, are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes and that both the Black and Brown communities are disproportionately impacted by lethal gun violence. This combination — low gun ownership coupled with a mistaken belief in the efficacy of the self-defense handgun — is the sweet spot for the gun industry and its financial partners in the NRA. And just as important as future sales are the potential political benefits outreach to minority communities may represent. Compared to whites, Blacks and Latinos show stronger support for gun violence prevention measures.6 And recognizing the continuing growth of the U.S. Latino population, the potential political benefits of increased gun ownership among this group are clear. The brazenness of this marketing shift is striking, recognizing that for decades members of the gun lobby and firearms industry have played on fear of crime and community disorder in their marketing efforts. And while rarely stated outright, often implicit is that those to be feared come from communities of color.

Washington, DC: Violence Policiy Center, 2021. 43p.  

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How the Firearms Industry Markets Guns to Asian American

By Violence Policy Center

   Since the mid-1960s, self-defense has been the foundational argument used by the gun industry to sell firearms, primarily handguns, in the United States. In this effort, gunmakers have been aided by the gun lobby, most notably the National Rifle Association of America (NRA). Firearms are promoted as risk-free tools necessary for the defense of self and family from myriad threats, most frequently an attack by a stranger. Never acknowledged is the demonstrable fact that guns are rarely used to kill criminals or stop crimes, and that most homicides occur between people who know one another. Also missing from this false and simplistic narrative is the reality of the trauma, legal and financial risk, and long-term emotional repercussions that can come with the act of taking another human life. Historically, the primary demographic targeted by the gun industry has been white males. This is now changing as the result of the fact that this traditional customer base is aging while gunmakers, to paraphrase a tobacco industry term, have failed to recruit a sufficient number of ‘replacement shooters’ to fill their thinning ranks. As a result, household and individual gun ownership over the past few decades in the United States have declined significantly and remain relatively stagnant.3 While children and women have been the default targets of the industry in the wake of stagnation of the white male market, there has also been a growing campaign to market guns to minority groups in America, primarily for self-defense. Latino and Black    Americans have been the primary focus of these efforts. This has begun to shift in the wake of high-profile racist attacks on members of the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, including a mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an April 2021 Pew Research survey found, “Amid widespread reports of discrimination and violence against Asian Americans during the coronavirus outbreak, 32% percent of Asian adults say they have feared someone might threaten or physically attack them – a greater share than other racial or ethnic groups. The vast majority of Asian adults (81%) also say violence against them is increasing, far surpassing the share of all U.S. adults (56%) who say the same....”4Seeing an opportunity to exploit the fear spurred by these horrific attacks, the firearms industry has moved swiftly to expand its efforts targeting the AAPI community

Washington DC: Violence  Policy Center, 2021.26p.

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An Examination of Body-Worn Camera Digital Evidence Management (DEM) Strategies: 2nd edition

By Brice Terpstra, Michael D. White,  Aili Malm

Over the last few years, thousands of law enforcement agencies in the United States have adopted body-worn cameras (BWCs), and they have subsequently had to deal with the tremendous amount of digital evidence generated by the technology. Digital evidence management (DEM) is the process by which an agency manages, stores, shares, and integrates the data generated by BWCs and other imaging devices (e.g., dashboard cameras, license plate readers (LPRs), cell phones). Addressing DEM is a critical feature of a successful BWC program.

To explore how agencies handle DEM, Arizona State University (ASU) conducted an online survey of agencies receiving federal funding for BWCs through the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) BWC Policy and Implementation Program (BWCPIP). ASU asked the agencies approximately 30 questions related to DEM, including questions about basic program management, internal use of footage, external sharing of footage, challenges, and future developments. In the first edition of this report published in 2022 (accessible here), ASU presented results from 68 agencies that completed the survey. This second edition of the report includes results from an additional 22 agencies, for a total sample of 90. The primary findings are as follows:

  • Most responding agencies routinely monitor the flow of footage into their organization. Most of the agencies regularly track storage use (69 percent), uploads (60 percent), and activations (43 percent). Most responding agencies also have a process to review untagged footage (83 percent).

  • More than half of agencies (56 percent) indicated that they have a specific BWC management unit. These units perform all BWC-related tasks, from camera assignments and maintenance to audits and redaction.

  • Nearly all agencies use BWC footage to accomplish an internal objective, whether that be investigating uses of force and citizen complaints (99 percent), monitoring BWC use (i.e., activation compliance; 85 percent), or conducting performance evaluations (44 percent). More than one-quarter of agencies (29 percent) examine metadata to inform their BWC program.

  • About three-quarters of responding agencies (74 percent) share BWC footage with the public. Among those that do, nearly all have a policy in place to govern that public release process.

  • Most agencies also share the footage with external stakeholders, including city and county prosecutors, public defenders, private attorneys, and other law enforcement agencies. Agencies use several methods to share footage, including providing direct access to cloud storage, secure email links, and physical copies (USB devices). Sharing methods vary notably based on who is receiving the footage. Agencies generally reserve direct access to cloud storage for prosecutors (48 percent have provided access to their prosecutors).

  • The primary DEM-related challenges are associated with costs, staffing, and resources (28 percent); storage and infrastructure (19 percent); and video redaction (13 percent). Agencies also identified these same issues as areas for future development. Most of the identified future developments were internally focused (i.e., things that the departments themselves can or should do to address challenges). Very few responding agencies mentioned future developments involving the vendors or others outside their agency.

Tempe: Arizona State University, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, California State University, Long Beach, 2024. 17p.

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Reframing the debate on legal financial obligations and crime: How accruing monetary sanctions impacts recidivism

By Michael Ostermann, Nathan W. Link, Jordan M. Hyatt

Legal financial obligations (LFOs) associated with justice system involvement are increasingly a focus for policymakers and researchers seeking to understand sources of inequality and the factors that promote successful reentry. These conversations often rely on an assumption that LFOs are associated with or may even drive higher rates of recidivism. The empirical research in this area, however, has not kept up with the growing strength of these claims. This study reports findings that may offer a new perspective and contribute to an evidence-based debate. Multi Sourced administrative data on all individuals released from carceral supervision in an East Coast state (N = 21,301) over 3 years are used to examine the complex relationship between criminal justice debt and reoffending. We detail the results of survival analyses estimating the impact of these debts on various forms of recidivism. Broadly, we find that even though the relationship between case-level LFO assessments and future offending did not reach statistical significance, the association with the cumulative effect of monetary sanctions over the life course did. Furthermore, the impact of LFO debt is greater for certain racial groups, supporting theoretical and practical inquiries into factors informing structural disadvantage. Implications for policy and future research are considered.


Volume62, Issue2

May 2024

Pages 331-363

Guest User
The social foundations of racial inequalities in arrest over the life course and in changing times

By Robert J. Sampson, Roland Neil

Although racial disparities in criminal justice contact are long-standing and the subject of continuing public debate, few studies have linked early-life social conditions to racial disparities in arrest over the life course and in changing times. In this article, we advance and test a theoretical model of racial inequality in long-term arrest histories on a representative sample of nearly 1,000 individuals from multiple birth cohorts in the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods. Large Black–White disparities in arrests from ages 10 to 40 arise from racial inequalities in exposure to cumulative childhood advantages and disadvantages rather than from race-specific effects. Smaller but meaningful Hispanic–White gaps follow a similar pattern, and the same explanations of racial disparities hold across different offense types and across birth cohorts who came of age at different times during 1995 to 2021. These findings indicate that inequalities in early-life structural factors, which themselves are historically shaped, trigger processes of cumulative advantage and disadvantage that produce racial disparities in arrests over the life course and that persist across different points in contemporary history.

Criminology, Volume62, Issue2

May 2024

Pages 177-204

Guest User
Effectiveness of Violence Prevention Interventions: Umbrella Review of Research in the General Population

By Seena Fazel, Matthias Burghart, Achim Wolf, Daniel Whiting, and Rongqin Yu  

  To address the societal harms of violence, many violence prevention interventions have been developed, tested, and implemented in the general population. These have been reported in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, which have typically focused on one type of intervention or outcome. We aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the current evidence regarding the effectiveness of different psychosocial interventions in reducing all forms of violence toward others. We have conducted an umbrella review of previous meta-analyses using standard approaches and converted findings on effectiveness into odds ratios. We tested for the underlying quality of the meta-analytic evidence by examining heterogeneity, excess statistical significance, prediction intervals, and small study effects. We identified 16 meta-analyses, including nine investigating psychosocial interventions, and five legislative and policy changes. Most meta-analyses reported positive effects of tested interventions. The strongest effects were found for sports-based initiatives, and the weakest for general population programs aimed at early childhood, youth development, and reducing sexual assault perpetration by men. Legislative changes had varying effectiveness. We conclude that simple, scalable, and cost-efficient programs, such as sport-based initiatives, have the clearest empirical support as population-based approaches to violence prevention.  

  TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE 2024, Vol. 25(2) 1709 –1718

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Exploring the Life-Course Experiences of Justice-Involved Military Veterans: Deviance, Mental Health Outcomes, and Daily Experiences

By Brice J. Terpstra


The findings of this study on the role of military service in the lives of justice-involved military veterans suggest that the role of military service is nuanced and that for many veterans the military directly impacted both deviance and mental health outcomes. Further, emotionality of these veterans is quite variant over time, while social togetherness and engagement in activity show to be impactful on emotional well-being. Overall, this research expands the understanding of the role of military service in the life-course and provides an in-depth look into the daily and life-course experiences of justice-involved veterans, ultimately giving voice to the veterans themselves to articulate their own experiences and needs. This study explores the life-course experiences of justice-involved veterans in three separate, yet interconnected ways: (1) trajectories of deviance across the life-course and the impact of military service on deviance; (2) the relationships between military service, mental health, and negative life-course outcomes; and (3) the daily experiences of justice-involved veterans, including who they spend time with, what they spend time doing, and how these factors impact emotion. This work is one of the few to utilize qualitative inquiry to better understand the relationship between military service and trajectories of deviance for justice-involved veterans, and is the first to use ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methodology to examine the daily experiences of justice-involved veterans.

Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University, 2024. 215p.

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Black Homicide Victimization in the United States, An Analysis of 2022 Homicide Data

By Terra Wiens 

  The devastation homicide inflicts on Black teens and adults is an ongoing national crisis, yet it is all too often ignored outside of affected communities. This study examines the issue of Black homicide victimization by analyzing 2022 WISQARS mortality data1 from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Supplementary Homicide Report (SHR) data submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This analysis offers national and state data, ranks the states by their Black homicide victimization rates, and offers additional information on the 10 states with the highest rates. Previous versions of this report used exclusively FBI SHR data to describe Black homicide victimization. In January of 2021, the FBI changed the way crime data are collected in the United States, which negatively impacted the reliability of such data from some states. As a result of the incomplete nature of state-by-state SHR crime data for 2022, using this data for ranking the states is not possible. In order to continue examining state-specific Black homicide victimization rates and offering state rankings, this report utilizes CDC WISQARS data to describe victim demographics and weapons used at both the national level and the state level for the 10 states with the highest Black homicide victimization rates. To offer further detail on Black homicide victimization in the United States, FBI SHR data are used to describe the victim and offender relationship and homicide circumstances at the national level. The Violence Policy Center hopes that at some point in the near future FBI crime data will once again be sufficiently robust to allow for a more complete analysis of the data.  

Washington, DC: Violence Policy Center  2024. 24p.

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Harnessing artificial intelligence to address organised environmental crime in Africa

By Romi Sigsworth

Summary   Artificial intelligence (AI) offers innovative solutions for addressing a range of illegal activities that impact Africa’s environment. This report explores how AI is being used in Africa to provide intelligence on organised environmental crime, craft tools to assess its impact, and develop methods to detect and prevent environmental criminal activities. It discusses the challenges and opportunities AI poses for policing environmental crime in Africa, and proposes recommendations that would allow AI-powered policing to make a real difference on the continent. Recommendations • African governments and organisations should invest in gathering large, local data sets to allow AI models to produce appropriate and relevant solutions. • Investments in digital and communication infrastructure need to be made across Africa to improve and expand access to and affordability of AI solutions. • Police forces across Africa should include technology and AI skills capacity building into their basic and professional development training curricula. • Guardrails should be established through legislation to protect data, ensure privacy where necessary, and regulate the use of AI. • Public-private partnerships must be strengthened for law enforcement agencies across Africa to receive the technology and training they need to effectively embed AI tools into Research Paper their methodologies to combat environmental (and other) organised crime. 

ENACT Africa, 2024. 29[p.

Guest User
Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2024


 Europol’s Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) 2024, the most comprehensive yearly analysis of the latest threats posed by cybercrime in the EU. This edition marks 10 years since the release of Europol’s first IOCTA. Throughout this time, the threats posed by cybercrime have evolved dynamically in terms of volume, intensity and harm potential. The number of cybercriminals entering the market continued to grow steadily, thanks to the adoption of new technologies as well as the increasing complexity of digital infrastructures, which expands the potential attack surface. In 2023, millions of victims across the EU were attacked and exploited online on a daily basis. Small and medium businesses were increasingly popular targets for cyber-attacks, while e-merchants experienced the most digital skimming attacks. Adults were victimised through phishing, investment and romance frauds, and more and more minors were targeted by child sexual exploitation offenders and online sexual extorters. In parallel, a number of worldwide law enforcement actions shook the cybercriminal underground through continued arrests of ransomware affiliates IOCTA 2024 and operators. Law enforcement also carried out coordinated disruption operations against cybercriminals’ digital infrastructures. Notwithstanding the growing presence of law enforcement in the dark web, this environment continues to function as an enabler for cybercrime, allowing offenders to share knowledge, tools and services in a more concealed way. In addition, the use of cryptocurrencies in a wider variety of crime areas has become more noticeable in 2023, alongside the growing number of requests for investigative support in cryptocurrency tracing received by Europol. Cybercriminals are keen to leverage Artificial Intelligence, which is already becoming a common component in their toolbox and is very likely to see even wider application. Law enforcement agencies are expected to build a robust capacity to counter the growing threats stemming from this, both in terms of human resources and technical skills. An additional concerning aspect of cybercrime is the young age of the offenders. As cybercriminals appear to be in many cases underage, a greater focus on offender prevention could discourage young people from entering a criminal career.

  The Hague: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, 2024  38p.

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Forced migration and sexual and gender-based violence in queer communities: UK findings from the SEREDA project

By Pip McKnight, Jenny Phillimore and Dawn River with support from Rainbow Migration 

  Over the past six years, the SEREDA (Sexual and gender-based violence in the refugee crisis: from displacement to arrival) project has been examining the experiences and incidents of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) across the forced migration journey. Initial findings from SEREDA suggested that LGBTQI+ people who seek asylum face incidents of and vulnerability to SGBV that are distinct from heterosexual and cisgender populations, including in countries of sanctuary seemingly accepting of sexual and gender diversity. This project aimed to build on the initial findings of SEREDA to gain a more complete understanding of the current situation in the UK. Against an international backdrop of increasingly draconian anti-LGBTQI+ laws fuelled by fundamentalist religious and right-wing groups, this research sought to examine the experiences of queer people seeking asylum in the UK.  

Birmingham, UK: University of Birmingham and Rainbow Migration,2024. 28p.

Guest User
Young women’s education in prison

 by Katy Swaine Williams with assistance from Jon Collins and Cassie Edmiston  

   This small study confirms that undertaking education, employment and other purposeful activity in prison is of fundamental importance for young women (aged 18–24) during their imprisonment and after their release. While in prison, having access to the right opportunities can offer satisfaction and a sense of pride and achievement; it can provide a distraction from worries and a valuable sense of purpose. Physical activity, including use of the gym, and purposeful social interaction are particularly valued. Education, employment and other purposeful activities for young women in prison can also help young women to envisage a positive future after their release and offer a practical stepping stone towards further study, employment, or simply development of a hobby that is beneficial to their wellbeing. Conversely, where young women in prison are denied opportunities for education or employment which they value, or indeed other purposeful or socially interactive activity, this is likely to be severely detrimental. The histories of several young women who took part in this study included childhood trauma, domestic abuse – including coercive control – and exploitation, which had had a direct impact on their engagement with education. Some of the young women identified lack of access to mental health assessment and support as a key barrier to their engagement in activities and overall well being, and a cloud over their present and future. Some complained they could not access education and work opportunities in prison until they had undertaken their Maths and English Level 1, which felt to them like an arbitrary barrier. Several women found inactivity and excessive time in their cell very difficult to cope with and wanted more opportunities for purposeful activity and social interaction, including through team sports. Others described the satisfaction they gained from purposeful activity in prison, including work. Each of the participants described past achievements in education, employment and family life of which they were proud, and aspirations for the future as well as worries and fears. Through this study we aim to help inform improvements to ensure that every young woman can experience the benefits of education, employment and other purposeful activity while in prison. We hope it will also be of interest to education providers in the community. We urge the Ministry of Justice to renew its efforts to develop a Young Women’s Strategy, to do so through co-production with young women, and to include a distinct focus on education, employment and other purposeful activity. The aim should be to develop tailored support which is gender-specific, age-specific, and is accessible to all young women – including Black, minority ethnic and migrant young women.  

London: Prisoners Education Trust, 2024. 38p.

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“Surviving, not living”: Lived experiences of crime and gambling The report of the Commission on Crime and Gambling Related Harms

By Lauren Smith

  The current research was commissioned by the Commission on Crime and Gambling Related Harms in response to a lack of existing literature about the lived experiences of gambling and crime, particularly in England and Wales. The research sought to illuminate the following: • Early engagement in gambling and the escalation into crime; • Experiences of the criminal justice system; • How gambling and gambling related crime affects key relationships such as employment, social and family networks; • Whether, and how, interventions or treatments for gambling are sought or utilised; • The perspectives of people with lived experience of gambling and crime about what needs to happen in the future to aid prevention and better support people impacted by crime and gambling harm. Research and legislative context Gambling is prevalent across Great Britain with 24 per cent of people reporting gambling online in the past four weeks (Gambling Commission, 2021a). A variety of gambling methods are used, with online gambling becoming particularly dominant during more recent years. Disordered gambling is classified within the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as a mental health disorder and, more specifically, as maladaptive, behavioural addiction which leads to family, social, personal or recreational pursuits being compromised, disrupted or damaged by continuing the gambling behaviour (Delfrabbro, 2013). For some people, recreational gambling escalates into problem gambling, defined as gambling behaviour that creates negative consequences for the gambler or those around them (Ferris and Wynne, 2001), or gambling addiction, defined as a progressive addiction. Gambling addiction is an impulse control disorder that has many psychological, physical and social repercussions (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Problem gambling has been linked to health and social problems, including suicide, homelessness, and other addictions (Lorains et al., 2011; Sharman et al., 2015; Petry, 2007). Within the current research there was some stigma around the phrase ‘problem gambling’, and therefore gambling harms was suggested instead (see also Saxton and Eberhardt, 2021). Gambling harms can extend beyond the individual, affecting families and the broader community (Langham et al, 2016).

Crimes committed by people experiencing gambling harms are typically, but not always, financial crimes, driven by an instrumental need to commit crime as a result of gambling harms (Turner et al., 2009). Prevalence rates of crime committed as a result of gambling are difficult to ascertain, with an estimated prevalence of problem gambling in prisons of 12 per cent, significantly higher than in the general population (May-Chahal, 2017). The government Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) is responsible for gambling policy and legislative framework. The key legislation in the UK for gambling is the Gambling Act (2005) which is currently undergoing a review. The Gambling Commission, an executive non-departmental public body, regulates all commercial gambling in the UK and seeks to prevent gambling from being a source of crime and disorder, to ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way, and to protect children and vulnerable people from being harmed by gambling.      

London: Howard League for Penal Reform, 2023. 93p.

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Exploring gambling and its role within prison culture: “You can be flying high, then fighting”

 by Penal Reform Solutions   


This research was commissioned by the Commission on Crime and Gambling Related Harms in response to a lack of existing literature about the role and impact of gambling within prison, particularly in England and Wales. The research aims were: • To understand how gambling is conceptualised in prison by residents and staff. • To understand how gambling is experienced within the cultural context of a prison by residents and staff. • To understand the role of gambling in prison, both positive and negative. • To understand the impact of gambling in prison on residents, staff and affected others and the support needed to address associated harm. • To assess how aware staff and residents are of the role gambling plays within prison culture and its impact on the rehabilitative environment. This research examined how gambling was understood and experienced in prison through the lens of culture, and the impact gambling has on people, both inside and outside of prison. A range of qualitative methods were adopted to promote engagement. The findings of this research highlighted that gambling played a significant role within prison culture. The role of gambling generated a sense of meaning and stimulation, acting as a form of escapism from boredom and was perceived as a tool to aid survival. The impact and experience of gambling were dependent on the subculture the person belonged to and where they were positioned within the hierarchy of the prison. This report outlines key recommendations that aim to address the harms associated with gambling within prison. While the findings and recommendations based on this study may not be uniformly applicable to the whole male prison estate in England and Wales, it is hoped that this research will assist prisons in creating meaningful strategies, to address the issues relating to gambling in prison.   

London: Howard League for Penal Reform, 2023. 64p.

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Generation Identity: International White Nationalist Movement Spreading on Twitter and YouTube

By  Heidi Beirich

  IN JUNE 2020, THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT announced that white supremacist terrorism is “a serious challenge for the global community.” That same conclusion has been reached by other American government agencies including the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the National Counterterrorism Center, as well as foreign security organizations such as Europol. DHS has specifically pointed to the propaganda pushed by the international white supremacist network Generation Identity, the subject of this report, as motivating white supremacist violence. At this point, it is well accepted that white supremacy is as significant a threat for generating mass casualty terrorist acts internationally as other forms of extremism. Yet, there is a double standard when it comes to how online platforms treat content produced by white supremacists compared to content by Islamic extremist groups like ISIS or Al-Qaeda. For the latter, deplatforming is the accepted and, actually, demanded strategy, one pushed by the American government, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, and the major technology platforms. Not so for white supremacist groups. Enforcement of bans on these groups and their acolytes is much more haphazard, despite their proliferation of propaganda such as the Great Replacement, which similarly inspires terrorism and argues that white people are being genocided in their home countries. Groups that push this idea, in particular Generation Identity (GI), are rampant on Twitter and YouTube, even though such propaganda has inspired six mass attacks since October 2018. These included the mosque attacks in Christchurch, NZ, and attacks staged at two American synagogues, an El Paso Walmart, a synagogue in Halle, Germany, and two shisha bars in Hanau, Germany, where the shooter is believed to have been targeting Muslim immigrants. It would be inconceivable for social media platforms to allow ISIS propaganda to spread and grow unchecked, but that is exactly what is happening with Identitarianism (the ideology that underpins Generation Identity). Research by the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism (GPAHE) found 67 Twitter accounts for Generation Identity chapters in 14 countries with nearly 140,000 followers. Those numbers do not include the accounts of individual Identitarians, such as GI’s unofficial leader and head of the Austrian chapter Martin Sellner, who has nearly 40,000 followers on Twitter, or accounts for GI coordinated activity, like Defend Europe, which has 27,000 followers. GPAHE found 25 such accounts totaling more than 400,000 followers. (All data available on request.) On YouTube, GPAHE found at least 12 countries represented by 31 GI chapters with about 86,000 subscribers. These numbers do not include the large Identitarian presence of individuals like Sellner who has 69,000 subscribers, the hundreds of videos posted. by GI adherents, or the number of times Identitarian proponents have appeared on other channels. For example, Identitarians made frequent appearances on the American Renaissance channel (135,000 subscribers) until it was banned in June 2020. It is impossible to determine how quickly the material is proliferating because we have no comprehensive baseline data from prior years. However, even in the weeks leading up to publication, the accounts summarized in this report have gained followers. This analysis certainly undercounts the number of Identitarian accounts thriving on Twitter and YouTube. Disturbingly, these platforms push viewers toward similar content on Twitter and YouTube and toward even more extreme content on unregulated platforms such as Telegram. Because Identitarianism is very much a youth movement, Twitter and YouTube serve as important gateways to further radicalization of young white people, particularly males, into white supremacy. The growth in the number of white supremacists worldwide can be laid at the feet of tech companies who allow this material to thrive on their platforms. It is time for this to end.    

Montgomery, AL: Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, 2024. 22p.

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Drug Trafficking Dynamics across Iraq and the Middle East (2019–2023): Trends and Responses

By United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

   Countries across the Near and Middle East have registered an escalation in both the scale and sophistication of drug trafficking operations over the past decade. The destabilizing risks posed by illicit drugs have become increasingly prominent on the regional agenda. Of particular concern for governments and societies across the region is the rising production, trafficking and consumption of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), in particular, tablets containing amphetamine sold under the name “captagon”, and methamphetamine. Iraq and neighbouring countries have documented a sharp increase in the trafficking and use of “captagon” over the past five years. “Captagon” seizures in Iraq increased by almost 3,380 per cent in Iraq from 2019 to 2023. Iraq reported the seizure of over 4.1 tons of “captagon” tablets between January and December 2023 alone. Seizures of amphetamine (mainly in the form of “captagon”) in the Near and Middle East doubled from 2020, reaching a record high of 86 tons in 2021. In parallel to “captagon” trafficking, a methamphetamine market is quickly developing in the Near and Middle East, as shown by a rise in seizures. UNODC research has found that Iraq is at risk of becoming an increasingly important node in the drug trafficking ecosystem spanning the Near and Middle East. Iraq lies near the intersection of a complex global drug trafficking ecosystem spanning Southwest Asia, Africa, and Europe, notably the Balkan and Southern routes associated with opiate smuggling from Afghanistan to Europe, through Southeastern Europe, and towards the Indian Ocean and Eastern Africa, including through the Arabian Peninsula. Within Iraq, drugs are trafficked along three key internal corridors, in the north, central and southern regions of the country. There are distinct territorial, ethnic, economic, and political factors and differentiated drug market dynamics connected to each route. The main categories of drugs trafficked through Iraq include opium, heroin, hashish and especially, methamphetamine and “captagon”. While Iraq is not necessarily the most affected country in the region in terms of volumes of drugs seized, there are risks that the situation could deteriorate if drug trafficking, in particular of methamphetamine and “captagon”, keeps intensifying. A particular challenge facing countries across the Near and Middle East are armed groups with cross-border affiliations and transborder economic interests. Alongside a recent history marked by armed conflict and corruption, this situation has contributed to cross-border trafficking.  

Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; 2024. 46p.

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