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State of the Apes

Arcus Foundation.

Killing, Capture, Trade and Conservation. The illegal trade in live apes, ape meat and body parts occurs across all ape range states and poses a significant and growing threat to the long-term survival of wild ape populations world- wide. What was once a purely subsistence and cultural activity, now encompasses a global multi-million-dollar trade run by sophisticated trans-boundary criminal networks. The chal- lenge lies in teasing apart the complex and interrelated factors that drive the ape trade, while implementing strategies that do not exacerbate inequality. This volume of State of the Apes brings together original research and analysis with topical case studies and emerging best practices, to further the ape conservation agenda around killing, capture and trade.

Cambridge University Press. (2021) 410 pages.

Wildlife trade on e-commerce sites in China, with a focus on mammoth ivory: A Rapid Assessment

By Sarah Stoner and Jenny Feltham.

‘Wildlife trade on e-commerce sites in China, with a focus on mammoth ivory: A Rapid Assessment’, analysis of this research reveals that the majority of advertised wildlife products are legally permitted for sale. However, the prevalence of mammoth ivory found legally for sale raises concerns about perpetuating demand for elephant ivory products which is now illegal in China. Our research looked at e-commerce platforms like Alibaba and 1688, allowing us to conclude that measures taken by these platforms and by the Chinese government have helped curb online sales of illegal wildlife products. The research identified 4,297 advertisements of wildlife, parts and derivatives, in total, 637 (15%) advertisements were identified as referring to the sale of Protected species, while a minimum of 3,657 (85%) of the identified advertisements were classified as Not Protected and therefore are deemed to be legal. Items derived from mammoth ivory were the most common type of wildlife product for sale on these platforms.

The Hague: Wildlife Justice Commission, 2021. 35p.

Below the Surface: How Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Threatens our Security

By Cathy Haenlein.

This paper argues that large-scale illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing takes place on an organised, systematic scale across multiple jurisdictions, and must therefore be recognised as transnational organised crime. Such IUU fishing endangers food security, threatens livelihoods, undermines the rule of law and deprives states of revenues. It also intersects with other crimes, further amplifying the threat to security. Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is conventionally treated by governments worldwide as the result of technical regulatory infringements. As such, it is often deemed a matter for industry regulators and dismissed as a trivial issue insofar as it relates to national security. This diagnosis is flawed. Certainly, IUU fishing is often small in scale and conducted by artisanal fishers out of ignorance of laws, or opportunism. Yet there is also evidence that much of today’s IUU fishing activity takes place on an organised, systematic scale across multiple jurisdictions. Testament to this are the volumes involved. Although numerous difficulties affect such calculations, global losses to IUU fishing have been estimated at some $10–23.5 billion annually – equivalent to 11–26 million tonnes of fish per year. The result is the plunder of the world’s oceans, threatening not only marine ecosystems, but also the security of human populations. Large-scale IUU fishing endangers food security, threatens livelihoods, undermines the rule of law and deprives states of revenues. It also intersects with other crimes, further amplifying the threat to security. Yet research on these security dimensions is limited and fragmented; our understanding of their dynamics remains partial. Policy and practical responses, meanwhile, remain ill-suited, failing to keep pace with the complexity of the threat posed.

London: Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 2019. 56p.

Illegal Wildlife Trade and Illicit Finance in the UK

By Alexandria Reid and Cathy Haenlein.

The UK is a leading advocate of the need to ‘follow the money’ linked to illegal wildlife trade (IWT) on the international stage. Yet, to date, little focus has been placed on examining the UK’s domestic record in this area. This report is the first independent study to address the UK’s exposure and response to IWT-linked illicit finance, offering recommendations to bolster enforcement action. Based on an open-source literature review, analysis of government enforcement data, a focused ‘call for evidence’ and 40 semi-structured interviews, the report assesses the UK’s record in relation to the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) 2020 recommendation that countries assess their exposure to IWT-linked illicit finance; ensure legal powers exist to bring financial charges in relation to IWT offending; and undertake greater numbers of parallel financial investigations in IWT cases.

London: Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), 2022. 60p.

The Global Illicit Trade Environment Index

By Economist Intelligence Unit.

Behind most every major headline, every major story in the news, lies another potential headline and another story about some form of illicit trade. From the refugee crises in the Mediterranean and South-east Asia, where the chaos is providing cover for human traffickers, to North Korea, a criminal state that couldn’t survive if it didn’t trade in arms, illicit cigarettes and counterfeit currency. Even the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election has led to indictments on money laundering, which is both a product of illicit trade and a facilitator of it. To measure how nations are addressing these and other issues related to illicit trade, the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) has commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Illicit Trade Environment Index. The global index expands upon an Asia-specific version, originally created by The Economist Intelligence Unit in2016toscore17economiesinAsiaonthe extent to which they enabled or prevented illicit trade. This year’s updated and expanded version now includes 84 economies, providing a global perspective and new insights on the trade’s societal and economic impacts.During research for the construction of the index and in writing this report, The Economist Intelligence Unit interviewed executives and • experts from across the world. Their time and insights are greatly appreciated.

NY: TRACIT 2017. 44p.

lllicit Trade in Alcohol in Costa Rica: Challenges and Solutions

By Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT).

Illicit trade in alcohol is widespread, representing significant percentages of alcohol consumption worldwide and stripping governments of billions of dollars in tax revenues. In almost all cases, illicit trade in alcohol results in serious health risks to consumers, revenue loss, and brand degradation for legitimate manufacturers, as well as reduced tax revenue for governments. This publication explores the situation in Costa Rica and highlights a number of regulatory and legal mechanisms that the government can implement to better control and combat illicit alcohol.

NY: TRACIT(September 2019) 14p.

lllicit Trade in Alcohol in India: Challenges and Solutions

By The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT)

Illicit trade in alcohol is widespread, representing significant percentages of alcohol consumption worldwide and stripping governments of billions of dollars in tax revenues. In almost all cases, illicit trade in alcohol results in serious health risks to consumers, revenue loss, and brand degradation for legitimate manufacturers, as well as reduced tax revenue for governments. This publication explores the situation in India and the causes for the flourishing trade in illicit alcohol. The problem in India is exacerbated by the massive size of the country, the federal structure, diverse drinking patterns, the varied regulatory structure and regional nuances and traditions that characterize the alcohol market. Notably, the report highlights a number of regulatory and legal mechanisms that the government can implement to better control and combat illicit alcohol.

NY: The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT) (September 2019) 16p.

lllicit Trade in South Africa: Challenges and Solutions

By Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT)

South Africa is one of the largest and most diversified economies in Africa. The country has a well-established manufacturing base, is a major supplier of goods and services to the continent, has a large consumer base, serves as a regional transport hub, has a strong tourism and financial sector, as well as robust traditional sectors such as agriculture and mining. This diversification, however, means that South Africa also faces challenges from illicit trade on multiple fronts. This publication explores the situation in South Africa and highlights a number of regulatory and legal mechanisms that the government can implement to better control and combat illicit trade.

NY: TRACIT. October 2019. 11p.

The Poaching Diaries: Crime Scripting for Wilderness Problems

Edited by A.M. Lemieux.

The Poaching Diaries is an edited collection of contributions on wildlife crime prevention and wilderness problems. It is an outlet for practitioners, policy makers, and academics to tell stories that facilitate problem-solving.

The aim of The Poaching Diaries is to present ideas that help governments and civil society diversify their approach to wildlife protection to achieve lasting impacts. The focus of this volume is crime scripting, a useful process for unpacking problems and designing clever solutions. Crime scripts are generated by developing detailed, step-by-step accounts of very specific crimes, in the specific contexts and environments where they take place. These scripts capture the full process of committing a crime, including steps taken before and after the criminal act itself. This is useful for identifying weak points in the chain of events to focus prevention strategies. For example, a subway pickpocketing event is part of a larger process, in which the offender has many decisions to make and actions to complete; one of these actions could be loitering on platforms to find victims. Looking at this stage in the crime script, a disruption strategy might focus on limiting access to subway stations for individuals without a valid ticket. This would make it harder, or at least more expensive, for pickpockets to work and therefore a less attractive environment for crime.

Phoenix, AZ: Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Arizona State University, 2020. 126[p.

Securing Protected Areas The Decision-making of Poachers and Rangers

By Nick van Doormaal

Wildlife crime is not a single event, but rather a chain of crime events, as depicted in Figure 1.1 and adapted from Moreto and Lemieux (2015) and ‘t Sas-Rolfes et al. (2019). Poaching, the illegal taking of wild flora and fauna, is the first event in a series of crimes that supply the demand for illicit wildlife products. After a poaching event, wildlife will typically be processed, transported to markets, traded, and consumed by the end user. Depending on the context, a number of different people or groups of people can be involved at various stages of the wildlife crime chain. The first stage of the wildlife crime chain will almost always start with a motivated poacher trying to illegally obtain a wildlife product inside a protected area. To prevent this product from entering the market, robust security of protected areas is essential. The studies in this dissertation focus on the poaching stage

Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), 2020. 168p.

Problem-Oriented Wildlife Protection

By A.M. Lemieux & R.S.A. Pickles

As an officer for a national wildlife authority, you may experience déjà vu. You arrest poacher after poacher but the poaching threat in your park is not decreasing. You get called out to deal with crop raiding animals, but despite culling and translocation, each year there are more callouts. You are probably not alone in thinking ‘if we had more patrol teams…or faster response vehicles…or more money for operations, we could solve our problems’. Instead you have a restricted budget and the public expect you to deal with a broad range of wildlife problems, some of which use a lot of time and resources but do not seem to change. What’s more, you’re probably aware many wildlife protection problems are getting worse. Poaching and trafficking of wildlife for pets, food, ornaments or medicine is increasing across the world. There’s also more conflict between wildlife and people as they compete with one another for land and resources. Many of the problems you’ll be asked to solve are complex and you might find your organization’s traditional approaches need updating. It’s time to try something new. Problem-oriented policing was developed to help police officers find ways of reducing crime without substantial additional resources. A problem-oriented approach (a) supports ground-up initiatives addressing the context of a specific problem, (b) encourages innovative solutions beyond the criminal justice system, and (c) promotes collaboration within and beyond your agency. We think this approach has a lot to offer wildlife authorities and can be integrated with ongoing conservation strategies

Phoenix, AZ: Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Arizona State University, 2020. 31p.

Illegal and Unsustainable Hunting of Wildlife for Bushmeat in Sub-Saharan Africa

By M. Sosnowski; K. Everatt; R. Pickles; G. Whittington-Jones; A. Lemieux.

Unsustainable and illegal bushmeat hunting constitute the most serious threat to many wildlife populations across Africa. Bushmeat hunting is responsible for the significant depletion of ungulate populations across more than half of African protected areas, and the decline of overall wildlife populations across almost all West and Central African protected areas. Targeted bushmeat hunting is also driving populations of lowland gorillas, drills, Press red colobus and other threatened primates towards local extinction. Bushmeat hunting is nevertheless likely to be widely under-reported.

Indirect harms. Depletion of ungulate prey caused by bushmeat hunting is the greatest threat to the conservation of lions across much of Africa and is an important threat to other large carnivores, such as leopards, cheetahs, Africa wild dogs, and spotted hyena. Overhunting of ecosystem engineers such as elephants, gorillas and hippos, can reduce tree recruitment, causing altered forest structure and reduced carbon sequestration.

Phoenix, AZ: Center for Problem-Oriented Policing, Arizona State University, 2021. 47p.