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Crime victims and the police: Crime victims’ evaluations of police behaviour, legitimacy, and cooperation: a multi-method study

By N. N. Koster

t seems that repeat crime victims are less likely to offer their cooperation to the police than victims who were victimized only once. This dissertation seeks to understand why this may be the case and examines what crime victims value in their contact with the police. The findings reveal that crime victims are not only interested in a fair treatment, but also in investigative activities that the police may perform to solve their case. Both are important to them, because it makes them feel that they and their case are being taken seriously. Evaluations of the police response have important consequences for both perceived police legitimacy and willingness to cooperate with the police. Negative evaluations of the police response, particularly concerning a lack of investigation activities, could have detrimental effects. This applies especially to victims of violent crimes that know their offender. As a consequence, some of them may not only become reluctant to cooperate with the police, but also develop feelings of vigilantism. To prevent repeat crime victims from evading the criminal justice system it is, therefore, of utmost importance that the police avoids negative evaluations as much as possible.

Leiden: Leiden University, 2018. 205p.