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Effectiveness of Services for Sexually Abused Children and Young People. Report 2: A Survey of Service Providers

By Diana Parkinson and Rosaline Sullivan

This report forms part of a suite of work undertaken by the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) to expand the evidence base on how best to assess the effectiveness of services responding to child sexual abuse (CSA). It sets out the findings from an online survey of service providers, which was sent out to more than 300 contacts in the sector and shared through social media. The survey questionnaire was completed by 50 organisations across England and Wales that: ‣ provided specific support to children/ young people at risk of CSA or who had experienced/were experiencing CSA, or ‣ specifically targeted CSA, including child sexual exploitation (CSE), perhaps alongside wider services. While these were a self-selected group and cannot be regarded as representative of organisations working in the field of CSA, the information they provided has widened our knowledge of the services that are delivered, the children and young people who are being reached, the aspects of service delivery that providers consider to be most effective, and the challenges they face.

Ilford, UK: Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse, 2019. 40p.