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Evaluation of Extended Use and Deployment of Conductive Energy Devices (Tasers) to non-Firearms Officers within Police Scotland: Final Report

By Ross Deuchar, Liz Frondigoun and Catherine Davidones

The aim of this study was to evaluate the introduction of Police Scotland’s extended use of Conductive Energy Devices (Tasers). It was focused around the following key objectives: 1. To explore and examine the pre- and post-change perceptions of police officers, key members of stakeholder groups and community representatives regarding the Specially Trained Officer (STO)/Taser rollout, with a specific focus on: a. the extent to which perceived resilience, confidence and personal safety among officers is enhanced as a result of the deployment of STOs with Tasers. b. the perceived impact of the rollout of STOs/Tasers on public reassurance and safety, and the perceived benefits and risks. 2. To identify any remaining challenges with the Taser rollout and make recommendations for the future.

Edinburgh: Scottish Institute for Policing Research, 2019. 37p.