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2023 National Preparedness Report

By United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency

From the document: "The 2023 NPR [National Preparedness Report] outlines the nation's progress towards achieving the National Preparedness Goal of 'A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk' as well as recommendations for closing remaining gaps. This annual report draws upon various data sources, including open-source data, FEMA and community preparedness data sets, and submissions from federal departments and agencies. FEMA also recognizes critical infrastructure owners and operators as important partners in emergency management and community resilience, but did not collect insights into preparedness from this group, as such research presently extends beyond the scope of this report."

United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency. Dec, 2023. 59p.