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Posts tagged philosophy
Tolerance: The Beacon of the Enlightenment

By: Caroline Warman

"Inspired by Voltaire's advice that a text needs to be concise to have real influence, this anthology contains fiery extracts by forty eighteenth-century authors, from the most famous philosophers of the age to those whose brilliant writings are less well-known. These passages are immensely diverse in style and topic, but all have in common a passionate commitment to equality, freedom, and tolerance. Each text resonates powerfully with the issues our world faces today. Tolerance was first published by the Société française d'étude du dix-huitième siècle (the French Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo assassinations in January 2015 as an act of solidarity and as a response to the surge of interest in Enlightenment values. With the support of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, it has now been translated by over 100 students and tutors of French at Oxford University."

Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, [2016]

Ethical Journalism: Adopting the Ethics of Care

By Joe Mathewson

This book makes the case for the news media to take the lead in combatting key  threats to American society including racial injustice, economic disparity and climate change by adopting an “ethics of care” in reporting practices. Examining how traditional news coverage of race, economics and climate change has been dedicated to straightforward facts, the author asserts that journalism should now respond to societal needs by adopting a moral philosophy of the “ethics of care,” opening the door to empathetic yet factual and fair coverage of news events, with a goal to move public opinion to the point that politicians are persuaded to take effective action. The book charts a clear path for how this style of ethics can be applied by today’s journalists, tracing the emergence of this empathy-based ethics from feminist philosophy in the 1980s. It ultimately urges ethical news organizations to adopt the ethics of care, based on the human emotion prioritized by Scottish Enlightenment philosopher David Hume, and to pursue a more proactive, solutions-seeking coverage of current events.  

Abingdon, OXON, UK: New York: Routledge, 2022.199p.

Method in Criminology: A Philosophical Primer

By Bruce D. Cristina.

What are the unstated theoretical and philosophical assumptions that underlie the modern study of criminology? Given the awful state of crime, justice and punishment in modern civilization, maybe it's time to rethink the whole enterprise? DiCristina did just that back in 1995. Maybe we should revisit his thinking, pause for a moment and ask ourselves if there is a better way? DiCristina courageously concludes that anarchy is the solution. Or maybe the field has already reached that condition? You decide!

NY. Harrow and Heston Publishers. 2012.

Discovering Criminology

Edited by Graeme R. Newman, Michael J. Lynch and David H. Galaty.

From W. Byron Groves. This rare book brings together the writings of Casey Byron Groves, possibly the most brilliant criminologist in America during the 1990s. Casey's approach was unique, unorthodox for the 1990s, and quite frankly, 'in your face." From "organizational perversion" to "punishing the privileged", the topics he covered were diverse, and the scholars on whose shoulders he stood were equally diverse, from Habermas and Hegel to van den Haag and Herrnstein. Only 200 copies of this book were ever printed.

Harrow and Heston Publishers. NY. 1993, 2012. 320p.