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Posts tagged typology
A Typology of Profit-Driven Crimes

By Tom Naylor, with the assistance of Deane Taylor and Roksana Bahramitah

For obvious reasons, the primary functions of traditional law enforcement and the criminal justice system are investigation, prosecution, and punishment of persons deemed responsible for proscribed acts. The main purpose of criminological research, whether conducted by law enforcement or academics, has been to assist those functions, directly or indirectly. To be sure, there is much research that focuses on crimes as events rather than on the criminals who cause those events. But mostly, research has been devoted to studying the social conditions that facilitate the commission of offences. It has paid much less attention to understanding the methodology by which and institutional context through which particular actions take place. The resulting deficiencies are particularly marked with respect to profit-driven offences. The type of information collected by police or prosecutors for the purposes of a particular criminal proceeding may be quite different from the type of information necessary in understanding the nature of on-going criminal markets or the modus operandi of the underworld economy as a whole. Nor is academic criminology much more helpful – generally speaking, crimes are used to define categories of offenders rather than being a subject of (more technocratic) interest in and of themselves. These shortfalls also afflict the categorization of acts. The practice of dividing criminal code offences into three broad categories – crimes against persons, crimes against property, and trafficking – provides little useful information with respect to context or process. More specifically, due to lack of systematic definition and subsequent overlap, umbrella terms such as economic, commercial, and white-collar crime are frequently used interchangeably, even by socalled “experts in the field.” The fact that some of these terms refer to acts and others to persons doesn’t seem to matter (e.g., respectively, commercial vs. white-collar crime). It is no surprise that the specified offences covered by these are similarly confusing and impractical. For example, means (e.g., telephone pitches and computerized communications) and ends (e.g., fraudulent transfers of wealth) are oftentimes confounded. All this creates problems that go beyond simple lack of terminological neatness. Without knowing just what a problem or objective is, it seems rather difficult, to say the least, to design a strategy or policy to deal with it.

Ottawa: Research and Statistics Division, Department of Justice Canada, 2002. 51p.

Brains of Criminals

By Moritz Benedikt and Edward P. Fowler.

Anatomical studies upon brains of criminals: a contribution to anthropology, medicine, jurisprudence, and psychology. “An inability to restrain themselves the repetition of crime, notwithstanding …the superior power of he lazy society, and a lack of sentiment of right and wrong…”

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. 1878. 204 pages.

A Book of Remarkable Criminals

By H. B. Irving.

“Do not let us, in all the pomp and circumstance of stately history, blind ourselves to the fact that the crimes of Frederick, or Napoleon, or their successors, are in essence no different from those of Sheppard or Peace. We must not imagine that the bad man who happens to offend against those particular laws which constitute the criminal code belongs to a peculiar or atavistic type, that he is a man set apart from the rest of his fellow-men by mental or physical peculiarities.”

Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1918) 297 pages.

The English Convict

By Charles Goring.

Classic statistical study published in 1913 measuring nearly 100 physical and mental characteristics of English convicts to determine their deviation from the normal. Notable features of the author's research methodology were the use of the newly-developed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and the method of comparing groups of both criminals and non-criminals for the same characteristics. The author's analysis of the data rejects the view that there are specific physical and mental characteristics identifying the criminal. He further concludes that the influence of heredity and the presence of mental defectiveness are far more significant factors than parental influence in the development of criminal behavior.

HMSO (1913) 450 pages.

Child of Circumstance

By pages

The Mystery of the Unborn, by pages. “Dr. Wilson believed that criminals are born unfinished. The die is cast at birth. The lack of finish at birth explains the incompetent, the born tired, the unemployed. Then what is the use? Why not painless extinction of those who commit great crimes, and the sterilization of the feebleminded….” Albert Wilson.

John Bale et al., (1928) 477.

The Criminal Classes

By D. R. Miller.

“A law demanding only a refrain from violence or abstinence from all that may injure others contains but the negative, while it is lacking in the more important, the positive elements. If men, by closing their eyes to the existence of evil, could thereby banish it, then might it be best for all to close their eyes….it is quite certain that we can never hope to discover, through ignorance, what are the various types of criminal abnormality, nor know the many causes or cures for such estrangements. An intelligent and thorough study of the criminal problem will eliminate from our creed that fatalistic formula which asserts that ‘Evil is good not understood’…”

United Brethren Publishing House (1903) 224 pages.

Criminal Man

Translated by Gina Lombroso.

This is the classic work of the “father of criminology” Cesare Lombroso translated from the Italian by his daughter Gina Lombroso. Here was the idea of the “born criminal” and a detailed classification system according to body types and other physiological and physical features. The major work was “L’Uomo delinquente” that emphasized the atavistic origins of criminality.

NY. Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1876) 251 pages.


By Raffaele Garofalo.

Garofalo, a student of Lombroso, attempted to formulate a sociological definition of crime that would designate those acts which can be repressed by punishment. These constituted "Natural Crime" and were considered offenses violating the two basic altruistic sentiments common to all people, namely, probity and piety.

A Classic Reprint. 1885. 510 pages.

Observations on the phrenological development of Burke, Hare, and other atrocious murderers

By Thomas Stone, M.D

Measurements of the Heads of the most notorious thieves Confined in the Edinburgh jail and bridewell, And of various individuals, English, Scotch, and Irish, Presenting an extensive series of facts subversive of phrenology. Read before the royal medical society of Edinburgh. ““Assail our facts, and we are undone; Phrenology admits of no exceptions.”(Phrenological Journal, vol. iii. p. 256).

Edinburgh: Robert Buchanan, 1829. 85p.

Crime and Criminals 1887

By J. Sanderson Christison.

“Last winter I contributed a series of articles to the Chicago Tribune under the caption of "Jail Types," which were so favorably noticed, both in Europe and America, that my friends have urged their appearance in book form. With some typographical corrections, the articles are here presented in their original text, with a number of additional sketches. While they do not constitute a systematic treatise on the subject of criminology, they present the points of most importance in a form and style intended to attract and interest the general reader, who will find much to reflect upon in the line of duty as a member of society at large.” (from Preface)

Chicago: THE W. T. Keener Co. 1897 117p.

Man of Genius

By Cesare Lombroso.

From the Preface: “Just as giants pay a heavy ransom for their stature in sterility and relative muscular and mental weakness, so the giants of thought expiate their intellectual force in degeneration and psychoses. It is thus that the signs of degeneration are found more frequently in men of genius than even in the insane.”

NY. Harrow and Heston Classic Reprint. (1891) 403 pages.