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A Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman: Mary Wollstonecraft

Edited by Carol H. Poston

FROM THE PREFACE: “In 1792 a book appeared in London which set out the claim, dramatically and classically, that true freedom necessitates the equality of women and men. Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was so provocative and popular that a second edition appearedin the same year, and Dublin, Paris, and American editions soon followed. The history of the subsequent editions of A Vindication of the Rights of Wcman closely parallels the vicissitudes of the women's movement: when feminism as a political cause comes to the fore, as it periodically does, Mary Wollstonecraft's work is one of the first to be reissued. Yet after nearly 175 years of republication and commentary, the book has never been annotated, nor has there been (save in the case of facsimile editions) an attempt to preserve Wollstonecraft's prose exactly as she wrote it…”

Norton. W.W. Norton. 1975. 248p. USED BOOK. MAY CONTAIN MARK-UP.